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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Maybe you got more contacts with more models?
  2. I think DBS Terrain from Major Lee is what you are looking for! http://combatace.com/files/file/10961-dbs-limited-nations-tweek/ inside all links to the needet stuff.
  3. It´s really a "B" model.... best would be a complete new H Model....
  4. That sounds very interesting FC. How does that work exactly?
  5. Daniel, Iran used Bell 214A + C. and Augusta Bell 205 (comparable with UH-1D/H)
  6. You are right Fubar! But f.e. YAP birds have got some faked Brake chutes added. I think via fake pilot method or something like this...
  7. Will send them to both of you! ;-)
  8. Well, when you got them ready, send them via PM. So i can do (after years of thinking about) a accurate LSK Skin! :-D BTW, you need Fitter Temps?
  9. Stock MiG-23BN templates are really needet! BTW i think i still have some Templates for the SU-17(22) from AD on a backup....
  10. Tu-75 WIP

    Would be needet for the Tu´s & the MI-8 too!
  11. You should read the posts before again. In the latest SFA ( the A means Android) is a Mig-25. In SF2 there are only some ini entries with MiG-25.
  12. Tu-75 WIP

    Try to get the source from Monty! Interesting Birds....
  13. F-104G, Tornado IDS, Prowler, All Ginas....
  14. also the placement and the views of the camo paimtings?
  15. Will send them in a few hours, when I´m back home!
  16. Centurion, I got the 1/32 Decals for the wrap around F-105s. If you are interested i can send them to you for detailed skinning....
  17. Moin Jungs, I-wie funktioniert bei mir das Bumpmapping und die anderen Features die SF2 ab Directx 10 hat nimmer. Gibt es da bestimmte einstellungen die man da vornehmen muss? Graka ist eine ATI Radeon, BS Windows 7 32Bit mit DirectX 11.
  18. Perobleme mit Bumpmapping & Co. unter SF2

    Ah danke, ich vermute es ist die Flightengine.ini!
  19. as Stary said it can be that your stick has got some set ups "out of the box" my for example had 2 (FSX & Hawx 2) Make sure you deactivate these, if your stick has them.
  20. What Stick do you have? Have you calbrated your stick? Is everything assigned in the options of SF2?
  21. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Nein gibt es nicht und wird es auch nicht geben. Es sei denn du baust alle Kisten die jemals in der Luftwaffe flogen. Außerdem wäre das so ein riesen Paket, dass du zig Teile hier hochladen müsstest. Da bräuchte man dann schon ne Woche Urlaub nur fürs hochladen. Von der erstellung eines solchen Paketes mal ganz zu schweigen.
  22. 1 Number? Paint it on the aircraft. Left out the decals entries in the textureset.ini and make only the one number in the numbers.lst ;-)
  23. Paulo TA-7C is in work by Mod Mafia.... ;-)
  24. Looks like you are missing the parts addet via "fake pilot methode" there must be a folder Pilots, that one must put in the objects folder of your mods folder. And Cocas is absolutely right, Knowledebase is the place to go 1st.

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