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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Titles i don´t think. I guess, it has something to do with the grafic card...
  2. Seems like you got the wrong terrain cat file! As i said, you should learn the basics of SF stuff! So only 999 threats left.
  3. F-4E/F überarbeitung

    For only 5 Aircrafts creating a whole one in game seems for me wasted time...
  4. All is everything

    Looks pretty nice Martin! Any chance for an A-1E & G???
  5. EC 655 Tiger

    Ich hab mal Bilder gesehen (weiss aber nicht mehr wo), wo unterm linken Flügel ein Gunpod hing... War natürlich ein deutsches Tigerbaby.
  6. All is everything

    Bob, you should contact 76.IAP-Blackbird he was working on the Skyraider a long time ago i think...
  7. Original Strike Fighters Gen1 release: http://www.nazcastudios.com/sea-hawk/Wyvern_SF.zip
  8. You should learn the basics of SF2 modding!!! And you should learn to use the knowledge base too!!! Without understanding the basics of SF2 modding, you will post here 10000 more questions of SF2 modding basics.
  9. Not Paulo... Bob is right, i got one in work with lot of details...
  10. If there will only be one skin then it would make sence. But not with a lot skins (4 planned till now)
  11. Parachute housing looks more rounder on the J-7III as on the MF. But due to that the 3d Model is not available, these changes could not be made.
  12. I have updated T-6 Texan Skins for both sides. Wrench released them (my skins) unfinished. So if there is interest, let me know
  13. http://www.5053phantoms.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=23 http://www.5053phantoms.com/photos/thumbnails.php?album=26 maybe in these albums you find some dated photos Volker...
  14. Why do you ask us and not him? Why should we know it.....
  15. Jip, Veltro removed all his stuff
  16. you mean a canopy frame? I looked, but as far as i can found, the PLAAF J7III are all white.... BTW, contact Russo, he is working on a new 21UM...
  17. Hope this is something you like Martin! BTW, there is the afterburner texture always showing up in the engine and maybe add working canopy...
  18. NP Martin, just need references for the camo one!
  19. Neue deutsche Weihnachtslieder

    He he!
  20. Martin, i´ve got some good templates. I can help you out with skinning. hopefully this project from you will be released someday... ;-)
  21. http://combatace.com/files/file/10230-b-52-vietnam-era-upgrade-pack-40/
  22. But with cluster bombs loaded, you can dive until you get black and you won´t destroy the runway! ;-)
  23. Welcome on board! You need heavy iron bombs! Cluster bombs won´t destroy runways. They are working good for AAs, Sams, Tanks, fuel tanks. But for runways, buildings etc. you should use "normal" bombs. F.e. Mk.82 etc...

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