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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. No. there are only a hand full skins for the MI-8 from Marcfighters beside his own ones available.
  2. Easy fix, paint the stripes on the skin. :-D I personally use always less decals as i can. mostly then are only numbering decals left. Makes the skins look more realistic.
  3. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Otto, du bist doch hier der Referenz Minister, hast du zufällig etwas bezgl. den Wartungshinweisen, Stencils & walkways an den deutschen Tornados in Niorm 76 (Marine) und Norm 83???
  4. Got something similar in the work, with some additional adds and correct numbers.... http://combatace.com...iko#entry581637
  5. Hmm, i directed him to the links, so what isn´t kind on this? But active since over 5 month, i think then you should know the search function!
  6. http://combatace.com...r-complete-mod/ http://combatace.com...war-mod-update/
  7. Patch Level is the Standart your Game is. latest is July 2012. BTW, SF2 & EXP2? that does not work. Maybe you have SF2 Europe & EXP 2??? Weapon.ini does not really count under Strike Fighters 2 Sims! most of the waepons will be automaticly in game after placing them into the add-onfolder. So where have you put in your weapons? Exact path is required!!! They should normally go to (example for Strikefighters 2 Europe, path is different for other Sims): C:\Users\<username>\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 Europe\Objects\Weapons if you want to use them in EXP 2, you should add them also in the EXP 2 add on weapons folder!!! And take care that all folders in the add on directory are named correct!!!!
  8. Focke-Wulf Fw.200 Condor http://www.network54...f Fw-200 Condor
  9. Where are the foreign Hornets in the update? :-(
  10. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ja sehe ich genauso. Alle Menschen sind gleich, nur einige sind gleicher....
  11. Projekt koordination fuer die naehere Zukunft!

    Ich persöhnlich finde das Terrain schon gelungen. Aber das mit den Credits nimmt der W. nicht so genau. Er hat u.a. schon des öfteren Zeug von mir rausgehauen ohne credits. Aber das mit den TW lods ist echt schon der Hammer... Die F-104 lods sind glaub ich noch in u.a. NF4+ mit drin. Hatte das mal Dave gesagt, er meinte dann, das es schon OK wäre, weil es ja eine Freeware Addon F-104G von Thirdwire gibt....
  12. Pretty cool pack! Long awaitet Swiss Hornet! BTW. Droptank weapon files are not inside the pack. Elsewise a really cool add on!
  13. Thank you Coupi! :good! @ Derk yes please! I found some infos in the web, some time ago, but i can´t find the side again....
  14. If I remember it right the F-86 Sabre Dog was able to do that too. Not sure which model, but sure not the K. ;-)
  15. Aren´t that SF1 optimized Aircrafts? So the whole inis, FM and also the Model itself should be optimized for Gen 2 sims to have an accurate Airplane.
  16. I´ll bet Korea or Formosa with Stary´s latest titles!
  17. Maybe if you are lucky, here is a F-16 CFT includet: http://combatace.com/files/file/8921-mgunny-331killerbees-sf2-ordnance-shop/ there is a seperate tanks folder.
  18. What about Veltros Catalina?
  19. Great one!
  20. http://combatace.com...g-else-edition/ Take a look and find your mistake! It depens on which sim you wanna change, filename etc... You should also extract the menu screens out of the cat files, so you make sure that you got the right file names.
  21. I think the effect is includet in NF4+ try it there with! BTW, the effect only shows up, when a plane is shot down / pilot killed.

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