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Everything posted by Soulfreak

  1. Hello together, I got an new ultrawide (3440 x 1440) curved monitor. I can´t get somehow SF2 running fine. :-( Anyone got tips?
  2. Thanks for your awnsers. I did not enter the options in game & options.ini was read only. But will try again later to apply Nyghtfall´s inputs.
  3. Thanks Jim & Rene, with Rene´s inputs it looks a little better, but still streched I guess.
  4. Nice to hear, but will we get any updates? The latest update is more then 2 years old... :-(
  5. If I´m not wrong, it is an ex Luftwaffe Canadair CL-13B Sabre Mk.6
  6. After a while, I put my brushes on an new AC...
  7. Really looking forward to the Prowler (and A-6E).
  8. Also on an MiG-15UTI? I guess it would not be as much work to make one out of the bis.
  9. 20

    Congrats @Crusader and @Wrench, you young guys. nearly 21 years,, where is the time gone?
  10. Mirage 2000D model ?

    Dassault Mirage 2000 Two Seat Fighter Camouflage 3D Model - TurboSquid 1827458
  11. FV-107

    no worry, I shooted him a message...
  12. FV-107

    contact him via Facebook!
  13. had this a a very heavy modded install, or resource eating terrains / mods. It took very long between hitting the print key and the "klick" sound from screenshot. I guess it is, cause the game is operating ner it´s limits. In not heavy modded installs, it works without problems..
  14. https://web.archive.org/web/20141203091036/http://www.jpsmodell.de/dc/main.htm some are still online...
  15. Uoh... that reminds me to redo the bump maps.
  16. Are those brand new skins, or just the skins from ace888 with GKABS adds?

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