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Everything posted by Lex2Limit

  1. Mid - Air - Refueling on a OOD Recon Mission - Greek F-16C Blk30
  2. how to get the ASE circle behind the reference marks???
  3. Hi, Please ToS can you Uplod your MOD for the TW pit. I think im to stupid to extract tHe ObjectData025 file to tweak them myself.
  4. Hello Folks, i want to tweak some cockpit lights on the F-14. So the Gun Rate lights are switching when you change the Gunsight mode. But i want to switch the SW COOL and MLS PRP like in the TW Cockpit. Can anybody give me a hint? THX Lex
  5. Hello Guys, i think i know what JoeHal11 mean. the question is for me too. in my case. I like the F-14 Tomcat. so the Tomcat is not able to Fire Missiles and Guns at once. So is it possible, to manipulate the Aircraft ini, to lead to belive the game, the Guns are a selected weapon? THX Lex
  6. Yak38M Cockpit Hotfix

    Hi, one question. How u get this red ambient light. For nightflight? Whant this in my F-14 pit Thx, Lex

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