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Everything posted by michaelk

  1. Version 1.0.0


    Version 1.0.0 Yak-38 Series Cockpit by Stary & Fubar minor visual tweak. 1.True Russian Cyrillic Markers/Labels (As far as it was possible to do this,some inscriptions were replaced with similar ones). 2.Minor visual Tweaks (Reticles). Thanks Cockpit autors. P.S. Please make a backup of your cockpit before installation, as I redid the brightness/color of the reticle, (it looks more realistic in my opinion).
  2. Version 1.0.0


    TW EE Lightning F.1 Cockpit Tweak 1. Early "Pilot Attack Sight". 2. Early Acq/Lock Marks. 3. Radar Texture (Original TW include). Thanks TW Thanks TW/SF Community.
  3. Version 0.0.9


    I propose an "Television-Optical Control System" (as Cockpit) in the minimalist Soviet style of the 60s for the wonderful drones La-17 by Spillone 104. La-17 https://combatace.com/forums/topic/83164-sf2-lavochkin-la-17n-la-17r/?tab=comments#comment-668397
  4. View File Yak-28P/PM Firebar Stary's Cockpit minor tweak. Yak-28P/PM Firebar Stary's Cockpit minor tweak. 1.Russian Cyrillic Marks/Labels (as possible). 2.Static Reticle (K-10). 3.Avionic tweak ("Oryol-D" System, used also early Su-15). Thanks Stary for this cockpit. Thanks FLOGGER 23 (Oryol-D Avionics). Thanks Pasko (Plane 3D) This cockpit is only a modification of the Stary's cockpit for the Yak 28. For usage, read the original note from Stary. https://combatace.com/files/file/15318-yakovlev-yak-28p-firebar-cockpit/ ** Installation options: You can use it like Yak-28P with these mods: 1. Saunders Roe by Spinners (Yak-28P LOD by Pasko): 2. Use Data and other files (included) with Lod files Yak-28P/PM by lindr2 for SF1, it works in SF2. Submitter michaelk Submitted 04/02/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Yak-28P/PM Firebar Stary's Cockpit minor tweak. 1.Russian Cyrillic Marks/Labels (as possible). 2.Static Reticle (K-10). 3.Avionic tweak ("Oryol-D" System, used also early Su-15). Thanks Stary for this cockpit. Thanks FLOGGER 23 (Oryol-D Avionics). Thanks Pasko (Plane 3D) This cockpit is only a modification of the Stary's cockpit for the Yak 28. For usage, read the original note from Stary. https://combatace.com/files/file/15318-yakovlev-yak-28p-firebar-cockpit/ ** Installation options: You can use it like Yak-28P with these mods: 1. Saunders Roe by Spinners (Yak-28P LOD by Pasko): 2. Use Data and other files (included) with Lod files Yak-28P/PM by lindr2 for SF1, it works in SF2.
  6. View File La-17 Drone Soviet Optical Television Visual Control System as Cockpit (What If). I propose an "Television-Optical Control System" (as Cockpit) in the minimalist Soviet style of the 60s for the wonderful drones La-17 by Spillone 104. La-17 https://combatace.com/forums/topic/83164-sf2-lavochkin-la-17n-la-17r/?tab=comments#comment-668397 Submitter michaelk Submitted 03/27/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  
  7. View File TW EE Lightning F.1 Cockpit Tweak TW EE Lightning F.1 Cockpit Tweak 1. Early "Pilot Attack Sight". 2. Early Acq/Lock Marks. 3. Radar Texture (Original TW include). Thanks TW Thanks TW/SF Community. Submitter michaelk Submitted 03/23/2023 Category Jet Cockpits  

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