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Everything posted by MarkEAW

  1. Eaw header

    From the album European Air War (EAW)

  2. European Air War (EAW)

    Logos, Special Screen Shots, and other EAW only images.
  3. Is anyone here?

    How did you make out with your controllers?
  4. I made quick sheet for the default keys in EAW v1.2. I adopted an old inaccurate sheet (by Migman) and modified it for the new controls present in v1.28 and higher. Also, I did a colored keyboard layout card with v1.40 key functions on it. Current updates of these sheets and download links at my EAW Help Site: https://eaw.neocities.org
  5. Is anyone here?

    Really, then the controllers should be easy to set up if there truly seen as one controller. Which windows version do you have? Did you read my joystick and remappable guide at all?
  6. Is anyone here?

    Thanks guys. I been checking out the downloads here little by little, most I had already, some I didn't. It's neat to find new stuff! If anyone has any EAW files I'm still looking. Not sure if the board has a PM system, but please let me know if you have a collection of EAW files you'd be willing to send me. Thanks.
  7. I'm looking for several files from the old EAW community. I'll take any files I can get my hands on, I love trying them out and archiving them too!

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