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About Tabano109

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  1. TMF's Mirage F.1C for SF2

    Thanks! I find it pretty unstable to fly, any advise?
  2. MiG-17PFU

  3. SF2 Falklands Mod (Redux)

    Thanks for this great effort, works like a charm so far!
  4. SF2 MiG-23 & MiG-27 Floggers - Part 3

    Thanks a lot, I will give them a try!
  5. Syrian(SyAAF)No.8 Sqn MiG-21MF Ramadan War

    Ok, fixed it. Campaign .ini was calling for MIG-21F and I had MIG-21MF_SyAAF. Edited and now flying!
  6. Syrian(SyAAF)No.8 Sqn MiG-21MF Ramadan War

    Thanks, but game crashes when clicking on the campaign to play. Any advise?
  7. Wings over Korea (1 of 3)

    Thank you!
  8. SF2 Falklands Mod

    Thank you very much!

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