I remember hearing something like that in a documentary or something and I'm probably wrong but it seemed like it was from big shot like Tim Berners-Lee or something but I really don't remember. I looked into it and it seemed that the internet is free and that we are only paying for the ability to access the internet and serve the internet. But I went back a little and started thinking down a different path, like when I waited and waited for the 56k to connect so I could do whatever the heck I was doing on the internet those days, I started to get a different picture that I don't really have an answer to. Was there ever a time when you didn't have to pay aol or netscape for access to the internet? I mean back when it was just bulletin boards didn't you connect straight to the other computer (or server) through your modem? I guess this problem comes in me not knowing how the information is transmitted, I know a little like understand the roll of DNS servers etc, but not much more. Is it like power at all where we need transformers to step up and step down to send over long distances or what? Also, the first instances of the networks with the military or universities whoever was first wasn't it a DC cable that linked the two? Any light would be appreciated as looking this stuff up leads to many sources with outrageous amounts of extraneous information.
wow this might just be my first post, lol.
Thanks to any 'welcome' greetings ahead of time ;)