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Everything posted by Hawker1

  1. Playing in the sand for a couple more months (got extended). I should have been home in a couple weeks, but no. Soooo, here I sit, in sand land living in tent city. Early Feb I should be back.
  2. Nice job Jinks! You guys are makin' my day. There's so much more I want to do to that plane when I get back home in Feb '04. But even at that point I'll have many projects to catch up on, and family to visit. In time though it'll happen.
  3. Looks great! I like it. Glad to see the ol' Prowler is still getting some use. :) Hawker (forgot my old login:pass since I've been away)
  4. Gorgeous pics. That sim just looks unreal. :D Thx
  5. Those pics look great! Excellent damage pics. Does the game engine add that motion blur or was that Photoshopped in? Can't wait to try it.

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