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About CptHrki

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  1. Yep, it's what keeps the game going. One desire we all have though is the source code, then we could truly do pretty much anything. Unfortunately, TK is adamasnt about not giving it away even though it's been stated that they don't have any current plans to keep working on PC editions of the series. Maybe we can take it as good news and consider it a sign of TW still having hopes for the PC series, or the simply doesn't want to, who knows?
  2. Classic flanker cockpit for Marcfighters Su-27

    Top notch five star cockpit. I dare to say it's pretty much the most detailed custom pit on here right now, even surpasses the stock stuff. The textures are amazing, all the details are realistic, every switch and everythinf is there, amazing. Now, if only we were able to make fully realistic avionics...
  3. Framerates

    I don't know what kind of CPU you have, but generally older games tend to be badly optimized and are a heavier burden for the CPU than the GPU while also not being able to utilize multi core processors, so CPUs with less cores but a higher clock rate per core will do much better than large amount of cores with a slower clock rate which is fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your point of view) the way to go these days with cheap yet very powerful 8+ core processors. Aditionally, I don't think this is a problem for Jane's IAF, I mean I can't think of any CPU too weak to run this smoothly, it probably isn't too fond of newer hardware (or software).
  4. Yeah that's what I was talking about, I'd enjoy the standard method with the MiG but I have no idea how to do it (also I haven't found anything like it anywhere). If you'd like you can PM me with the details so I can do it myself, I've got plenty of time :)
  5. Here are two images to show what I'm talking about. Notice that the F-8 one is behaving properly and going off the glass still showing where the plane is pointing, while the MiG one doesn't. http://imgur.com/a/4k4wl
  6. Yeah Wrench I know this of course. I tried to explain as best as I could but basically I know the large one isn't supposed to move, what I'm talking about is how it behaves as if it were drawn onto the glass with a crayon. Usually if you looked away from the glass it should move off it like in the upper video. I don't know if you understand, but it doesn't behave like an actual reflected image, it behaves like it's physically on the glass. Watch the upper video: as the player moves his view away, the fixed image moves off of the glass like it does irl, while when the MiG player moves his view, the image stays on the glass as if it were drawn on there instead of behaving like it should (the same as the F-8 one). In other words, the F-8 image stays focused into infinity while the MiG one doesn't. So basically when looking away from the glass, the fixed image should follow the smaller reticle as long as it's in caged mode and this is what I'm trying to correct but can't figure out how.
  7. So I noticed in this video that the stationairy image on the F-8s sight actually behaves like an image on a normal reflector sight, but the image in the pit I use for the MiG-21MF (and pretty much any other custom pit that uses stationairy images) behaves like it's drawn physically on the combiner glass (i.e. it stays glued to the glass when I move my view and it should move off the glass). My question is, would it be somehow possible to make it like the one in the video? This one is an example of the problem I have.
  8. Nevermind, it's working now for whatever reason. Thanks for the reply :)
  9. Yep, I forgot to mention it in the post, no change again. In fact, here's a pastebin of the cockpit ini (with the changes I made): https://pastebin.com/r907KWVb As you can see, the part of the file where MNM02 is written has a line above that says "dial natural head movement" according to Google translate, so I'm not too sure what's going on here, maybe the camera is a part of the cockpit mesh and not an instrument.
  10. So I'm using the pit from the MiG-21 Complete Pack 1.8 and randomly saw in a thread (http://combatace.com/topic/23347-mig-23-hud/page-6) that it's actually possible to remove the camera completely, however the method stated does nothing for me. In fact, Instrument[119]=MNM02 is commented out with // in my Cockpit_MiG-21MF file. Can anyone help?
  11. Simple question, is it possible to somehow edit the size of muzzle flashes and even the efefct itself? What I'm looking for is being able to see the flash from the cockpit in the SU-27. I know I made some successful changes to the gun smoke in KAW, but I can't remember how to do it.
  12. Update: I solved the latter two problems, but the velocity is still bugging me...
  13. So I downloaded the Soviet vertical pack to get the files for the UPK-23 gunpod because it wasn't included in the MiG pack and some of these planes can mount it. I was able to make it attachable to the inner left and right wing stations on the MiG-21MF (lights up the sky) and everything works perfectly, except the shells from these gunpods are coming out with a muzzle velocity about two or three times higher than the internal gun (and they're all the exact same cannon - GSh-23, using the same gun files. I have a few thoughts about why this could be, but I just have no idea what to do to try and fix this. As a side question, is it possible to modify the tracer loading for this gunpod (because I don't see it anywhere in its files)? Moreover, I installed some random Soviet comms to replace windloop.wav on the MiG-21MF, but for some reason the audio is sped up massively (the whole several minute recording loops in like 15 seconds).

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