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Everything posted by sparkomatic

  1. zombie plans

    hehehe... try here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=VZcSSm8U_BE
  2. Geocaching!

    Wow, what a sport! Finally an excuse to wander around aimlessly / look for hidden treasure / buy a GPS ! And many are hidden in places we would go any way (beach / parks / trails / cool places) Any one else into this?
  3. Grand Theft Auto 4

    - "Killing is evil, a person not wearing clothes is not" - "Every where there is evil under the sun"...
  4. Bush Tucker Man

    This? http://www.4wdonline.com/Films/BushTuckerMan.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Hiddins Super cool
  5. About Damn Time...

    Ever read the book "Generation Kill"...thought it would be a Corps-basher, dude actually became enamored with his Marines (as anyone with a brain does, spent 6 months out at al Taqaddum, Marines are awesome) This is a challenging time, no doubt, but together we will get through it
  6. About Damn Time...

    Funny you should mention that...in every AOC there is a detachment of lawyers in the GAT (people responsible for choosing targets and initial planning of air ops)...they wield considerable influence for the rest of us
  7. Air Force shakeup

    Moseley was the Second coming of McPeak, dude...think of it: random uniform changes, massive drawdown in force, misguided appropriations, disgruntled force, bad press, re-organization of re-organized organizations, maintenance and ops in the same squadron (again, again?)...the only thing he did not get around to was re-naming AFI (which, no doubt was in his plans)...oh, forgot completely disconnected from JCS / Force / reality... Especially enjoyed his focus on fitness...look at the guy in a full-length shot...if they could fit him in the screen... Hate to see someone lose their job, but this guy was awful for us...never knew why they picked him and let a handful of good 4-stars retire instead... And the Sec? Nice...about as inspiring as Jell-O...at least Rosch was fun to watch Cheers
  8. D-Fend Reloaded

    trying to get mechwarrior 2 to work in XP (it seems easier to invent a time machine) and have seen varios forums all saying DOSBox and D-Fend are the way to go. D-Fend is no longer supported, but found D-Fend Reloaded... No doubt I am doing something stupid, but any suggestions on how to configure it to run...YES, already tried Google, and basically keep getting the answer "it is so easy"...clearly...too easy for me as I manage to get the insta-crash feature of DOSBox... So, if anyone can either guide me through it or tell me where the silly manual is so I can read it and get Mechwarrior working in XP, that would be cool. Thanks!
  9. D-Fend Reloaded

    managed to get the DOS version using a different method...now have to install that VMDSound thing to prevent the popping noise...man, those graphics suck...too bad that Mech4 basically made the game stupid and managed to take out every single thing that a MechWarrior likes to do, like customize the Mech...seems the Marketing Department conspired with Accounting by then...no wonder they stopped making them? thanks for the link!
  10. zombie plans

    "I have 37 plans, and 33 involve...
  11. Gone

    A nice website: http://www.456fis.org/F-102.htm
  12. Gone

    Whoa...now that sounds cool...I saw the TF-102 which had side-side seating, but what was the designator for the navy version? Was it the Sea Dart?
  13. Hey Guys and Gal

    You met Ted? Sweet!
  14. Hey Guys and Gal

  15. next MXC season on DVD ?

    Does any one know when the next MXC DVD will be released? Especially since Season 3 DVD was really only half of that season? And Magnolia, which releases the MXC DVDs seems a bit like two guys and a website... cheers
  16. noticed that the forum was acting up a bit...or maybe it is just bored with my pontificating?
  17. Harvey Korman Dead at 81

    Used to watch him on the Burnett show, true talent...
  18. Civil Aviation

    Dave, that is awesome news, good luck!
  19. Question about Vista

    I have Vista on my laptop...it beyond sucks...went TDY and for whatever reason Vista decided that my wireless drivers were no longer cool and ditched them...no changes, no tweaks, no reason...it just didnt want them...looked on forums from a public Internet connection and several people had the exact same problem...Vista is a regression, period...Bill apparently needed more money since he bought half of Africa... Advice: stick with XP as long as you can
  20. the latest drivers dont always work best...for instance for whatever reason I always have to try a few different drivers before I can get the winmedia player to look right...no idea why, but that is just the way it is you might be experiencing a similar issue and just need to try a couple of different drivers...many forums out there that pontificate verbosely in this matter...the 7-series drivers work well for many games even though they are old...but it may not work for you hope this helps
  21. Memorial Day

    Plan on laying flowers at Peace Prayer Park (famed "suicide cliffs" of Okinawa), it honors the war dead, both International and Japanese as well as the local Okinawans that were killed in the fighting. One of those places that mark the human toll on the civilians caught in the middle of a battle. http://www.okinawaindex.com/index/?tid=3&cid=80&id=5
  22. - awesome analogy...especially the Israeli skins part...how many times?
  23. Lets see it in nubers

    poop...over 6.6 (6,6 for some of you) billion people?
  24. things I would like ot see? easy...Alyssa Milano and...
  25. known bug with WOE...sometimes will dump you at the end of the map...if when you look at the mission planning map, where is the route of flight? For me it goes off the map and the waypoints are jacked up no resolution that I know of yet

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