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Everything posted by sparkomatic

  1. Kursk

    any one else read the posted comments section? no wonder people hate Americans...
  2. Anyone wants an FW190 sim-pit?

    very sad to go to all of that trouble then see a HOTAS in there...
  3. - "MB-339A version built for Nigeria" ah yes...this will be awesome!
  4. Anyone wants an FW190 sim-pit?

    the way the dollar has been tumbling, I think 35,000 euros could pay off the national debt...
  5. I completely concur...and still stand back wondering what this naming fetish is all about...I mean the F-20 thread was completely over-run with it to the point that it is not even worth reading the thread...a shame. Certainly hope this thread does not get hijacked further down that deplorable path. Excellent documentary posted by the way!
  6. Yeah Right! Video

    uh...not to start a flame war...but the J-10 is basically comparable to an F-16 Block 30...though while capable and certainly a threat it is just that, not that 'that' is a bad thing.
  7. Happy Birthday!

  8. Out of Idaho in 6 weeks!

    you are driving to Alaska? you do know it is like 4,000 miles from Idaho right? and yo have to get past the Canadiens...and snow dragons...and after all of that...you are then in Alaska...
  9. Its a Glorious Day Comrades.....

    In honour of May Day http://www.rathergood.com/laibach/ hehehe....
  10. Battelstar Galactica Season 4

    have not been watching it yet, was waiting on the strike business to settle before I get into it... agree...Ros seems a very good candidate, but it does not keep me up at night...Grace Park does however...
  11. Talon Down

    dudes...the Talon has been around since before dirt and sunlight...this just happens...every one is a little too keen to jump on the sky is falling bandwagon of late (especially Congress). aviation is an inherently dangerous business, period...besides, how many people were killed just driving to work on American roadways in the same time frame? bet it was more than 4 not diminishing their sacrifice, but it happens...also it is SOP to do a safe stand down post accidents, that is normal
  12. What is wrong with the USAF?

    I mean...look at this guy...legendary fighter pilot / tactician / warrior / looks cool / married a movie star He looks like a fighter pilot, some one you would gladly follow into harm's way...retired as a Brig. Gen...barely Then we have example "B"...was a "planner" and a "C/JFACC" during the last big show '03...didnt "do" Viet Nam Now USAF Chief of Staff, the highest ranking Airman and the example for the rest of the Airmen... How? I mean, we had choices...look at this guy: http://www.acc.af.mil/news/story_media.asp?id=123070087 Yep...that is an F-4 that he flew his fini-flight in Nov 2007... read his biography...why the powers that be picked Moseley over Keys to lead the USAF will never be understood by me...ever http://www.af.mil/bios/bio.asp?bioID=6051 2x Distinguished Flying Cross and 17x Air Medals *** No wonder the other Services make fun of us...
  13. GTA IV

  14. - moonjumper is the hands-down expert in this regard...I would try to raise his interest
  15. GTA IV

    I am still avoiding the console conversion...maybe I remember my trusty Atari 2600...but I like the PC better for many reasons, not the least of which is moddability and duality.
  16. I like this idea...it would have to be set to a given resolution / range as well though, eh?
  17. GTA IV

    PC version...will go so nice beside my copy of Duke Nukem Forever!
  18. Su-34

    I am no expert...but I thought the "fullback" Su-34 was a side by side two seater? Only saw one dude in the screen shot...
  19. for WoV fans...

    nice...not thrilling, but nice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMI-eK0Afw0...feature=related
  20. Facebook users, check this out...

    if you like that, try this: Or this: True story, when I was younger, I saw an USAF F-4 fly between the trees...funny part was that I was walking between said trees when they did it (just some low level hot dog I guess)...it was beyond cool...many years later I had a boss who had pictures of the bridges of cargo ships...looking up as they flew between them...
  21. I thought this was funny....

    So, before someone vents their spleen, I own a copy of Silent Hunter III (SH3)...bought it on Amazon.com for $9.99 plus $6.95 shipping/handling, so SPARE the religious debate now... I installed SH3 on the Vista-equipped laptop in order to take it with me TDY...starfarce (copyright protection) refused to work on Vista...said no way at all, never...so I go to "a website" and find a "file" then replace the "files" with these and viola....works like it is supposed to work...so let me get this straight... The legal paid for with legal tender copy (that I had to wait a week or so to receive) did not work because of copyright protection, but the Buccaneer copy works...yep...that is exactly what happened...how sad is that... And, please read the first paragraph before you tell me that is wrong so that I can avoid emailing a picture of me with the SH3 box, receipt, Amazon.com shipping container, and a suitably obscene gesture for you ignoring the opening and closing lines in this post I do not in any way support Buccaneering, quite the contrary, it is because of such activities that we have starfarce in the first place...it is a sad state though when a commercial solution is broken and the "mod community" is the answer... Oh, and they even had the patched to v1.4 version so it was better than out of the box, commercial that I paid for already...nice... **** On that note, I know Mr. Dave S. has played it and SH4, any one else? And yes I know there is an entire section of combatace dedicated to such so why bring it up here...yeah go visit that section...it is like nobody there...sad it is a cool game... Sparked my interest again since I just finished reading "Iron Coffins" by Werner...my God...talk about officership...and dedication...it should be mandatory reading... Cheers
  22. I thought this was funny....

    Thanks, great link!
  23. Is it the CF-101 or the F-101B...?
  24. It shows...its right over there...no, a little more to the left...right by the big grey splotch before you get to the green-ish brown blotch...

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