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Everything posted by sparkomatic

  1. though I cannot deny an affinity for the B-ONE...want to talk about brute strength? and speed?
  2. Falcon is a simulation, Lock On is a sim-game (since you can tweak so many features to be more game-like). But since now you can probably get both for like $10 why bother, get them both and find out which you like best. Now if you can score an old copy of USNF97...now that is a sweet ride
  3. - I have learned that one cannot stomp on a patch thread regards SFP1-family soon enough
  4. Don't drink Alkohol!

    let slip the dogs of war! oh to unleash a group of sabre tooth tigers on a Wal-Mart at 2 am...man...
  5. please not another patch thread...I have years of reading those...
  6. Cows=Carnivores

    this calls for more cow-tipping
  7. First Eagles Medals Pack

    - do not mistake me...I am very glad about this mod...but you hit the nail on the head...we need a change in the game which we have needed for 5 years...
  8. I thought it was MY hearing lost

  9. i could not follow that link...is the article posted somewhere else?
  10. First Eagles, my impressions

    there are some things that are still broken...perhaps we should call them "trademarks" of Third Wire?
  11. Don't drink Alkohol!

    cant blame alcohol...some people are just that way...what we really need is to bring back the Sabre-tooth Tigers...then we could whittle away and solve the obesity problem in America in one fell swoop
  12. - dudes...the EF-111 was cut by Congress over budget issues when they saw it as a redundant system...the Prowler was retained for the very obvious reason that it was carrier capable and thus able to remain with the fleet... - though I enjoyed reading the speculations...are the Lone Gunmen here? - nothing to do with abilities, just money...why then did they not cut fighters? you should already know that answer as well...
  13. First Eagles Medals Pack

    awesome...but...are the medals recorded in the career folder so that they show up or do they still disappear into ether?
  14. my favorite is when you send a jet to depot now and it comes out with discrepancies...EXPLAIN THAT!
  15. come on guys...you should notice that a dude that uses as his avatar the former president of the Federal Republic of Nigeria might be up to something...
  16. wait a minute...

    well said
  17. Speaking of C-5's...keeping up with the banter that they may cancel the remaining C-5M due to cost over runs? personally I am counting down the seconds until Moseley gets the hell out of the USAF and stops ruining it...he is as bad/worse than McPeak. All he needs to do now is change the name from "AFI" to something equally ghey and he will have done just what McPeak did (dont forget he tried to change all of the MAJCOMs as well...think his ludicrous foray into "UAVs should all be owned by the USAF" stopped that due to his political clout becoming negative). Eagles will be fine, we just need money. Personally, I always thought an Eagle with a v3 radar was preferable to F-22, but I may be a bit biased in that regard
  18. Interesting photo

    Wow! Now that is cool
  19. I Passed......

  20. Now Aint This A Kick In The 'Nads?

    - does not surprise me in the least - I hope they both have a speedy recovery!

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