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Everything posted by MarcQ

  1. Ok, so I started with two small mods, first ones to get the hang of it before getting into the bigger ones SARCASM v1.5 and Hud modification for SF2 In my Flight folder there was no "mods" folder so I created one, installed the mods in that folder, , Started SF2 and no changes That's what is in my "Flight" folder "Mods" folder Avionics60.dll Avionics70.dll Campain.dll Comm.dll EasyAvionics .dll FlightData (security catalog) FlightTest (security catalog) Hud.dll instant Action.dll MissinData001(security catalog) MissionData002(security catalog) MissionTest001(security catalog) MissionTest 002(security catalog) SingleMisson.dll And that's in my "mods" folder Cloud1.tga ENVIREMENTSYSTEM (configuration setting) HUDDATA (configuration setting) LensFlare_Diamon.tga LensFlare_Star.tga Sun.tga So where did I f**k up? I'm on Window 7 Thanks, Marc..
  2. Tomcats!! Reminded me, the first flight sim that got me into that hobby, Fleet Defender Gold on dos, time sure fly's Marc..
  3. Yes!! That's next on my list. it's kind of overwhelming all the mods available I'll go baby step, baby step Thanks, Marc.. That's the plan Thanks, Marc..
  4. Thanks ! Before I install all those, do I need to patch the game first ? Or is it already patched Marc..
  5. Wow!! Thanks a bunch, looks like I'm sleeping on the couch tonight :) Marc..

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