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About AkelaFreedom

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  1. Thanks, but I think, not so great, because I find too little materials. By the way, is the abbreviation in yours login mean -'Истребительный Авиа Полк №76'?
  2. 400 000 Polys at the moment, but it's not so much for game as for demonstration or for some video rendering, I suppose.
  3. I finished model, some details certainly I just suppose. And additional I decide to add W80 nuclear warhead.
  4. Sorry for offtop, but hire discuss various air lunched weapons, so may be somebody help me :) I am woking now on AGM-129A and have very little sources. I almost finished model but have a doubt about folding mechanism in top-rear cover. May be somebody have more qualitative photos about this part?
  5. Finally I complete the M261 launcher
  6. Finally I guess how it works :) There are two different 'Retainers'. Thanks for your answers 'ravenclaw_007' and I'am very impression of yours 3D work! And may be you help me about text form on launchers because I only find the DODAC numbers. (My personal 3D work here if you are interested - https://www.artstation.com/akelafreedom)
  7. You think tehre is two different version of M261? But in photo below M261 warhead in the same psition and M151 and M274 (or WTU-1/B) are a little sink. By the way, may be I make mistakes in dimensions of M261 launcher.
  8. Thank you for answer. So you think that assemble rocket with M151 warhead will be sink to stoper? I confus because find only photos where warheads are jut out from launcher. And am I right about dimensions? M260 and 261 = 168 cm LAU-131/A = 152 cm LAU-61 and LAU-68 = 168 cm LAU-61 G/A = 194 cm LAU-68 F/A = 180 cm
  9. I am sorry to trouble you.But I make my own Hydra 70 system project (not for this game) and have problems with dimensions difference between rockets and launchers. For example, M261 have length - 168 cm and the rocket (M423 fuze+M151 warhead+Mk66 motor) have length - around 140 cm. So even through rocket will be fully dip inside launcher it don't connect with contact spring. What if there is two contacts?

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