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Everything posted by Bulldog

  1. I have had the same problem, it seems when I do longer carrier missions I lose the carrier. What I ended up doing is after the mission objective is completed I keep hitting W until I get waypoint 8, and take the most direct route to the carrier. I haven't had problems finding the carrier since that.
  2. Either that or he's waiting for the new patch that will come out when WOI is out, like a lot of designers are.
  3. Prepare the download manager for the jump into cyberspace...
  4. Check out this thread....http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=23388&pid=111962&st=0entry111962
  5. Thanks, I have been looking for BOE for a while now!
  6. Were the MiGs going to be flyable out of the box? I was guessing we'd have to add them.
  7. Like the commercial says...it's all about the "O"....
  8. I'll wait too, having to download this on dial-up is a real PITA to do it more then once. But it looks worth the wait!
  9. If that's the case I can happily live without it
  10. Unfortunately the downloads section at SimHQ is down at the moment :(
  11. Trouble was, I was working that weekend....
  12. For Mig-21F-13 FANS!

    Yes I have, nice site you have there.
  13. A-10C

    Not bad for an aircraft that was thought past it's prime a long time ago! The Hog has always been one of my faves...it delivers the goods, and can take the punishment so the pilot can make it home safely. What more can you ask from a ground attack plane?
  14. According to CNN the F-15Es in Afghanistan have been excluded from this order now.
  15. Darth Vader Being a Jerk

    That's funny! They should have had General Grevious holding 4 iPods...lol!
  16. Ah, I didn't think of that one, I think you may have the answer.
  17. I know sometimes I forget to save the numbers list as numbers.lst, which causes problems, maybe double check you did that.
  18. Looks great guys! A shot of Stoli for all of you!
  19. Yeah I know the online flying sims I've been involved with over the years had a lot of people my age or older, and I notice a lot of that as well with the CFS2 community now as well as here. I don't remember the Japanese word for it but it translates into something like a "lifelong passion" for something. I guess gaming is it for me! My friends and I don't go bowling every week, like our fathers did...instead we LAN, lol.
  20. Yup, Marc's Su-27 is all we have now...but what a bird it is!
  21. I bought the Valusoft edition of SFP1 in Sept. 05 after finding this site and seeing all the mods available here. I had been frustrated with trying to use F-4 add ons in CSF2 (missiles that don't lock on, etc...still fly the game for ww2 though) so the fact the Phantom was a big part of this game sold me...little did I know I'd soon become a MiG-21 man too....

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