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Everything posted by super61

  1. http://www.kctv5.com/news/14934661/detail.html
  2. Well deserved my man. It sickens me to see the United Nations make such a rattle about the use of cluster bomb submunitions, yet the f****g media only briefly mentions the continuing rocket attacks, at civilians no less. Kudos to you and your fellow brethern.
  3. Premature mortar ouchy for Jihadi

    Now each of the 72 virgins can have a piece.
  4. You will find treasures beyond belief. Welcome aboard!!!
  5. Although heated at times, I think this discourse was needed. As Pete Clemenza said in Godfather I - "every xx years, there's a war to clean up the bad blood...."
  6. the good guys strike back

    Sadly, now that Castro's days are waning, it looks like this idiot will take the reins for the next 50 years. One could only hope for a populist uprising, with an ending befitting Ceausescu or Mussolini.
  7. Frivolous

    Sorry for the buzzkill guys: Buzzkillhttp://www.snopes.com/legal/lawsuits.asp
  8. I Declare Jihad On.....

    Try asking one of your 72 virgins in the afterlife to give it a shot. Though I'm sure it would be difficult finding one with opposable thumbs & hairless back. Goober Rulz!!

    Please, and if there is a God, and I truly hope there is, I would like to see any team except the Chgo. Cubs. To pay $375 for standing room only tix (as of this afternoon), yap on the cell, and do everything except watch the game is not true baseball to me.
  10. CAPTAIN!

    Any of you guys catch those Harvey Birdman episodes on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim? Captain Caveman, Fred Flintstone (as a Mafiso), Boo-Boo Bear, Devlin, Secret Squirrel and others make some pretty hilarious, but adult oriented appearances. Quite a hoot!
  11. This dude needs to find a new friend....

    Maybe he was a grade school pal of...
  12. Yep you're right. It was on the history channel and also on YouTube.
  13. Parents will understand

    LOL!!! That is just too rich - But at least he paid for the item. A similar incident occurred in my household. Mine walked out the store without paying, even with the surly Wal***t octogenarian watching his every move. Needless to say, once we got home, the curtains were drawn and "ole painless" delivered swift and pious justice.
  14. DARPA Load Carrying Systems for the Infantry

    What would an up-armored ass look like?
  15. Happy Birthday to....

    It crushes my heart to know he never experienced a McDonalds Big Mac in a styrofoam container. Nevertheless, Happy B-Day!!
  16. What Are You Doing to Stay "Green"?

    Several months back, I overheard on a "Mr. FixIt" type home repair show here in Chicago, that some of those power saving bulbs contain mercury. So although you may reduce air pollution, the byproducts of these bulbs may end up in ground or ground water.
  17. How the heck did you come up with that?

    Super61 was the first Blackhawk shot down in Somalia. It's just my own personal dedication to CWO's Cliff "Elvis" Wolcott, Donovan "Bull" Briley, and crew.
  18. Stratos - Congrats! Remember, you not gettin older, you're just gettin longer
  19. That would be one hell of an air to air lasso. Probably just wind it around the fuselage I gues
  20. Roll Call

  21. my first 3d plane

    The rivets are not to scale. The stabilizer looks 1 foot too long. LOL! - Just kidding DaSpongie. Just trying to prep you for those flame trolls who have nothing better to do with their time. But I do like what I see. Look forward to seeing your future endeavors.
  22. Funniest film scene ever

    For me it was a tie between Dumb & Dumber and Half Baked with Dave Chappelle & Jim Brewer
  23. Airplane! Movie Quotes

    Joey, have you ever seen a grown man naked?
  24. Fellas, That was an enjoyable hoot. You all just made my evening Thanks!

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