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Everything posted by JacksonM

  1. Fighting The Flying Circus

    I even didn't understand that US entered the war the same time Russia withdrew from the war. :( I am not silly, aren't I? Unfortunately, such disappointments happen. Okay, but now I'll know it. Thanks.
  2. Fighting The Flying Circus

    Ok, I see that my knowledge of history are bad, then, if you know, tell me please why so.
  3. Fighting The Flying Circus

    Hmmm.. I surprised to see here the Russian flag. Why on a American aircraft the Russian flag? Very interesting..
  4. New Aircraft

    Ah... Looking is great and what about graphics.... Geezer, on your screenshots everything is much more than "just nice". Gents, your work is perfect.
  5. New Aircraft

    I can't find the right expression. I can't find the right words. Really nice. Guys, you're cool! Keep up the good work!
  6. View File Woe-style Hangars for the three non-flyables Here are some 1024x768 sized WOE-style hangar screens for the three stock non-flyable aircrafts in First Eagles. Included are instructions for making them flyable. Also there are 5 Loading Screens and 1 Loadout Screen in this pack. Hope you enjoy! Thanks to Sopwith Snipe for the inspiration --Jackson M. Submitter JacksonM Submitted 11/27/2017 Category First Eagles - General Files - Hanger, Menu Screens  
  7. Thanks for downloading, guys! Please, comment, tell me what could be better. An advice from an experienced user/modder would be nice!
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Here are some 1024x768 sized WOE-style hangar screens for the three stock non-flyable aircrafts in First Eagles. Included are instructions for making them flyable. Also there are 5 Loading Screens and 1 Loadout Screen in this pack. Hope you enjoy! Thanks to Sopwith Snipe for the inspiration See you in 2.0! --Jackson M.
  9. New Aircraft

    I wanted to add a "like" and then I saw this message: "Sorry, you cannot add any more reactions today." What is it???? How is it possible????? Geezer, airplanes are awesome! Thank you very much!
  10. Hi there! I have problems with graphic. When I make medium or higher graphics detail level I have terrible lags with video smoothness. Is it possible to fix them in my case? My videocard: Intel(R) HD Graphics My OS: Windows 10 x64
  11. Thanks. Recently I was making there an animation and I know that you're PERFECTLY right. I already found that what don't I do, but anyway I can't make rendering faster. But I have already reconciled myself with this. You see, image like this one renders about one hour(in my case). But this is my own work, I made this minecraft art by myself and I hope nobody will cause me any copyright problems.(I'm not speaking about well-known people who are making TW games better and better, such as you, I'm speaking about "anonyms"). I know that this is not the ideal of all desires but I'm really afraid of them(not of anonyms, but copyright issues).
  12. Hi there. I want to look at aircraft models and as I know, they're packed in .LOD files. How to extract .LOD?(such as this one) FT-17.LOD
  13. How to extract .LOD file

    Thanks, now, I got it.
  14. How to extract .LOD file

    No, you're speaking about "extract from .CAT file", as you know
  15. First Eagles ScreenshotsThread

    Guys, the screenshots & graphics are fantastic!
  16. Salmson

    New loading screen for Salmson 2A will be added in "hangar screens" pack. Yes, I wrote that "I was uploading screens pack" in response to Wrench's question if I figured out the uploading process, but I have something new to add in this .zip file. This is why I still didn't upload it. P.S. I think that this LS is slightly better, than the L screen for Albatros DVa.
  17. Salmson

    I want to make SPAD13 vs DFWCV (1 vs 3) .msn file. I wrote that SPAD must intercept DFWCV's and now everything is ok with this command. But how make DFW dropping bombs on airfield and returning to base?? Which command should I write?
  18. Sad, but true At least, sim is working. I'm glad about it.
  19. Gents, do you know "Blender 3D" program? I have the same problems there: image rendering is too slow...
  20. Oh, this is useless. I think, Wrench is right: my videocard could be not designed for gaming... Maybe, it'll be better to play on low graphics?.. In this case frame rate is smooth, only sometimes it starts lagging.
  21. Thx VonS for advices, I'll put them into service but there is another hitch: I have only .dll "particlesystem" file in "C:/FirstEagles/System" folder. btw there is not any "user" folder at FE1.

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