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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. OBLT.Weiss

  2. Fritz Rumey D.Va Jasta 5

  3. Hans Bohning J79b

  4. All: I've seen some great screenshots from the Screenie thread that show carrier crews on deck. Is there as specific mod that gives you these fellows? Thanks in advance.
  5. I for one love eye candy... ...but not for that price. Thanks for the link.
  6. A hiatus of 3+ years or so. I was motivated to reload and fire it up when I came across my copy of Red Storm Rising during a closet clean up. Anyway I have all the SF2 modules – but no DLC – and got them all loaded and patched to last TW patch standards. So…I have a few questions: - Are there any DLC aircraft offerings worth getting? - Are the DLC skin packs any good? - How does one add skins anyway? - What terrains are a must have? - What Campaigns are a must have? - What else should I check out? Thanks in advance for your assistance here.
  7. All: Where do I find them as they are not in the mod folder under Objects/Aircraft/[specific a/c]? Thanks in advance.
  8. OK, so I guess I have to go thru each CAT folder then till I find them. Got it and thanks.
  9. Thanks for that and I'm assuming it's in the same relative position in the SF2 NA F-14A cockpit, correct?
  10. TY for the info. guys. Keep it coming.
  11. Hello all. Just purchased SF2 NA. I'm not new to the SF franchise as I own the original SF, WoV and FE. So what do I need to know? What are some "must have" mods? Do you need to do anything special to get Track IR to work w/ SF2? Can I get rid of the "red box"? Thanks all.
  12. It was indeed my keyboard. Once I mapped the keys to my stick all worked as advertised. Thanks all for your help.
  13. Interview with WhiteBoySamurai

    Nice interview.

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