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Everything posted by Barkhorn1x

  1. Camo SPAD VII

    Got it. Nice!
  2. Camo Nieuport 27

    Got it. Nice!

    Got it. Nice!
  4. Moving forward ....

    Good job man.
  5. All: Messing around w/ the campaign files and I am trying to change the Jasta 8 start a/c from a DVIIF to a DVa in the St. Mihel campaing. I have changed the following folders/files: - Campaigns\wwiCamp1\wwiCamp1.ini - Flight\WWICAMP1.INI - Flight\WWICAMP1_DATA.INI I changed the plane type, default skin, default hangar screen, you name it. And I still end up w/ the DVIIF. Is there a date based availabilty thing going on here? Or just another file somewhere that I am missing? Can anyone take a shot here?
  6. Does anybody know the setting that will change the Target Box color from red to clear (invisible)? The red target box is lame but I still like to use the target and padlock keys to point me in the right direction.
  7. Good information all thanks.
  8. I am still working on getting my mods set up the way I want them and I wondered w/ all the latest patches and the Expansion are any any of the Old INI tweaks still needed? Thanks.
  9. Guess I will need to comb through them then. :yes:
  10. I guess that would be a NO then!
  11. So what do you recommend?

    Yea, that's what I thought. And I think we may be waiting awhile because I don't see any "really nasty issues". just a bunch of nigling ones.
  12. So what do you recommend?

    What exactly is the definition of "hot fix" - the first patch for FE EP1 - or something else?
  13. Moving forward ....

    Yep, I sent Capun a PM and he replied that he is uploading the Dolphin and HP 0/400 to the D/L section. Oh boy. :)
  14. Moving forward ....

    Where does one find the Dolphin for d/l?? Thanks.
  15. Anyone using what I believe to be a MUST HAVE application for sims that are heavily modded? This app is a file replacement program that automatically makes a back-up of the original files - if overwritten - and allows you to go from a heavily modded sim back to stock in minutes. It creats a "Mod" subfolder in the sim directory and all that is needed is for each mod to mirror the sub folder file structure and that's it. Again, this is a must have for modders. Link = http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products.html
  16. Be sure you install the Jonsoft app to the WWI folder and you are emulating the exact file structure for the stuff you are modding in the MOD folder (that was created when you ran the app the 1st time). Here is an example of my folder/sub-folders set-up for Alb Dv/DVa skins in the MOD folder: - SkinsAlbDVDVa then Objects then Aircraft then AlbatrosD5 and AlbatrosD5a then unzip all of the skin folders in to these two sub folders (renaming the DVa.BMP files to DV for the D5 folder) Then you simply run Jonesoft - select the SkinsAlbDVDVa - hit the arrow to install - and done. To back out you just hit the back arrow and the app returns the sim to stock condition. It is a bit of effort to set up but believe me when I tell you that it saves much time and heartache come updated mods or sim patches.
  17. So what do you recommend?

    Again, I recommend JoneSoft Generic Mod Enabler so you can switch mods in and out in minutes. A mod doesn't work w/ the new version? - Just switch it out and remove it. New patch came out and you need to revert back to stock? - Just switch ALL mods out, patch and then switch back those that should work. I would not mod w/o this tool. http://www.users.on.net/~jscones/software/products.html
  18. ...just not working for the Expansion pack. Was working fine for the original FE. I keep getting a "white plane" w/ no markings. And I think I am doing this right as I've done it many times before. BTW, stock skins work fine using the same INI file.
  19. Skin Loading Issues...

    Wait - think I got it - I am trying to use DVa.bmp files for the DV w/o renaming!!
  20. Skin Loading Issues...

    OK - so anyone see anything wrong w/ this? INI file excerpt: [TextureSet022] Directory=J5_Flashar_2065_17 Name=J5_Flashar_2065_17 Nation=GERMANY Specular=0.350000 Glossiness=0.250000 Reflection=0.000000 File name = J5_Flashar_2065_17
  21. Moving forward ....

    I for one will be awaiting the results of your efforts. Thanks.
  22. Are there others not included in the d/l package? And where can get these Pete01 FM's? Thanks.

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