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Everything posted by SuperEtendard

  1. Angola/South West Afrika Full terrain With REDONE Campaigns

    It crashes sometimes cause few ground troops are missing like FAPLA_Troops and USMC_squad. Also skins for MiG-21 are missing some of them not all, which can be all checked out in _DATA.ini files of campaigns. I hope it will be updated and fixed. Anyway. Lovely map and campaign!
  2. Iran-Iraq War Terrain/Campaign

    Everything is fine. I'm only looking forward to see for the The Battle For Al-Basrah campaign black screen fix after playing the first mission!
  3. Syrian(SyAAF)No.8 Sqn MiG-21MF Ramadan War

    My game is crashing when I'm about to select the campaign and other campaings works normally like Egypt one for Ramadan war...and I have the latest updated campaign updated in 2017. Can someone help me?
  4. Orange Revolution: 2004

    Update this campaign for real war which goes on since 2014 and add some background screens, music and things and fix Ukraine's MiG 29 outside missing glass cockpit by simply copy/paste missing things from the folder "120" into "UKR" folder.

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