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Everything posted by Pepelev

  1. Sukhois

    Ohhhhhh fair enough then.... if I ever seem like I'm getting unsure about anything it's because I just want my favourite jet to be done right.... and indeed it has been βœŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸΌβ˜ΊοΈ Good job!!!!
  2. Sukhois

    Looking good!!!!! I mean personally not too sure on the left/ right down views but it looks fantastic
  3. Sukhois

    Well I'll post a picture of the pages I think might help?! I'll try get the later series fitter pages
  4. Sukhois

    Don't overly mind "simple" I just want to fly about in my su17 and blow stuff up 😌 Plus DCS isn't as chilled out as this game is so keep up the brilliant work ✌🏻 I got a book on the Sukhoi 17 family and it's got details like takeoff speeds, max range thar sort app of thing if your interested or stuck on anything
  5. Sukhois

    Now this is my cuppa tea πŸ˜€
  6. So I've been playing DCS for years but I fancy something less serious. Should I buy strike fighters Europe? And if so what's the best mods to have? And the best su-17 mod?
  7. Indeed I did contact you on the DCS forums, I also managed to get the Su7 to work 😁😁 and I don't mind lack of avionics but content sounds good

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