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Posts posted by WangoTango

  1. I have found open track to work very well. I am using a head tracking system from a guy called Grassmonkey Simulations. https://grassmonkeysimulations.com/

    He 3D prints them, and they work extremely well, an they are wireless, which I really like. I never did like Trackir 5 with the 3 pronged hat clip. I know they are held in high regard, not bashing them at all, I just prefer this wireless solution (at less than half the cost). I am using a profile for IL-2 BOS, and it works just fine.

    He has 100% reviews on Ebay. https://www.ebay.ca/usr/grassmonkeysimulations?_trksid=p2047675.m3561.l2559

    I  hope I am not breaking any rules mentioning this guy.

  2. Ok, I tried a couple of things.

    1- installed and ran once Windows Media Player

    2-set both woff and cfs3 apps compatibility settings to "run this program as an administrator" as per Polovski

    3- Turned of Dynamic Lights

    4- installed 1.04 patch (issue happened with 1.03 patch)


    Finished a mission, and was able to exit without any issues.


  3. I know World Cup 2010 is the big thing but was following the NHL draft for the next batch of potential stars. Edmonton got Hall while the Bruins got Seguin at #2. What's intersting in this draft was a lot of players were drafted lower than what they were ranked by the Ceental Scouting Bureau.



    Well enjoy that 2nd overall pick from the Leafs. Although I do like Kessel, Seguin would have looked good in blue and white.

  4. Sadly I don't seeing things changing any time soon. As men, we look at asking for help, or expressing emotional pain as a weakness. I'm not saying its right. Sadly the story quite often ends up like this one.

    Men of today seem to be paying for all the unanswered abuse in the past. Now men are automatically guilty, and have to fight like hell prove themselves innoccent.

  5. Very sad, and scary at the same time. I love my kids so much, that I can understand how the pain of separation from them would be overwhelming. The fact that you found your friend in this state makes the event a traumatic one for you also. Hopefully "ranting" as you put it, helps you in someway at least.

    I have known more than a few separated/divorced guys who have gone the suicide route, its too sad. The women always seem to come out ahead, even if they don't deserve to.

  6. I picked up WOE and WOV today, happier than a pig :good: in you know what, until I patched it up and did trial runs with both games. The required specs for WOE are


    System Requirements

    OS: Windows 2000/XP

    Processor: 600 MHz or faster

    Memory: 256 MB RAM

    Hard Drive: 1.1 GB free space

    Video Card: 64 MB DirectX 9


    My specs are

    AMD Athlon 64x2 3800+,

    CPU speed 2.00Ghz rated at 5.70Ghz,

    2 GB Ram, Geforce 9600 GSO 768MB,

    Windows XP Home.


    I expected 60+ FPS on high detail. But to get 60+ I have to use low detail...bummer. Med detail I get around 40, is this normal for this game? Are there any tweaks to improve FPS ?





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