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Everything posted by Musashi311

  1. If it's possible to import FSX models then perhaps contacting Dino Cattaneo, the creator of the freeware F-14D would probably be your best bet. Perhaps he can give permission to use the cockpit from his Super Tomcat as a base to import into Strike fighters 2. I doubt it's easy though because if it was I would've tried it on my own with Mirage Factory and Dino Cattaneo's permission
  2. I actually enjoy the early to mid Cold War era that Strike Fighters takes place in. Something I would like to see is a better ground radar and proper bomb sight for the folks that love to fly the strategic bombers. Also some flyable bombers from the get go. It'd be great to see some of the really early TU-95s like the Bear-A which was a level bomber along with the Bison and Badger and on the NATO side the Peacemaker, V Bombers and Buff/Stratojet. Also some strategic bombing campaigns to go with them as well...kind of like what we had in IL-2's bomber campaigns which were quite enjoyable. It would be great to see aerial refueling be included too. Perhaps even the ability to startup the engines and taxi to the runway as well as someone else had suggested on here. While this game is less realistic than say DCS, a little more realism in that direction couldn't hurt :)
  3. TU-160 Blackjack for SF2 series by UllyB

    I've followed your thread on the development for this mod and amazing work! It's fun to fly but I do have one question...did I install the plane incorrectly? I'm used to seeing effects and weapons folders for example. The plane has sounds but it doesn't have afterburners and is only limited to various unguided bombs, no cruise missiles are available. Will this be possible in the future?
  4. F-4E AUP

    Your F-4 mods are amazing! I especially love flying the AUP. Out of curiosity do you ever plan on coming out with the Israeli Kurnass/Kurnass 2000 after the Terminator 2020 and EJ Kai are released?
  5. TMF F-14 Tomcat Super Pack v1.32

    As always this pack is a amazing! Always a joy to fly my favorite plane but I do have one question regarding the F-14D. Seeing how one of the A-6 Intruder mods can be used with Razbam's cockpit. Would it be possible to port over the F-14D cockpit from Dino Cattaneo's F-14 if he gave his permission?

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