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      26 September - Maintenance Notification   09/21/2024

      CombatACE.com will be offline this upcoming Thursday morning, September 26, 2024. The duration of this event will be 4-5 hours. Our website will be unavailable and return an error during that time. Maintenance of our equipment is unavoidable, and this downtime will allow the opportunity to replace worn and damaged fans, power supply units, and thermal paste throughout all our equipment. Thank you for reading our maintenance advisory.


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Posts posted by nio48

  1. Ladies and Gentlemen.


    Should you be sated with all that OFFBHAH has to offer (and I would think this incredibly unlikely) may I, respectfully, suggest that you consider using your creative skills and try using the Mission Builder (included with the sim ) to create missions of your own.


    Alternatively, you may care to consider moving beyond single player mode and trying multiplayer mode. Whilst OFFBHAH has been developed ,principally with a focus on the single player perspective ,the multiplay facility is there and works well. The vestiges of CFS3 multiplayer code which remain occasionally throw up minor irritations, as a result of lag or mismatches, but the sim is eminently playable online nevertheless and the good points predominantly outweigh the few shortcomings.


    I am sure you are all aware of the multiplayer section on the forum. I recommend to those who may be interested that they browse there for further information. If you have not previously experienced online flying in this or any other sim, my experience is that it adds a whole new dimension to my enjoyment.


    Stumpjumper already has an online group "Doves and Hawks" and posts in the multiplayer section. I flew a short mission or two with some of the group last night and it was great fun.He flies both a stock game and a modded version.







  2. Hey Guy's,


    All setup here, shame about SOH but, we all knew it was coming. So, a new start for us here. Lets all really think about what we post and say here, okay.


    ....... we are running out of fourms to to host us!


    Q; So is this the OFFICAL BHaH OFF Forum now for all our posts? If so, I am not posting in SOH any more.





    P.S. Miss my whip and boots .... LOL.


    Nice to see you over here Keri Ann with or without your usual apparel.


    I agree with you on content of posts.


    As I see that pretty much the entire OFF team are going to be be moderators here, I really believe this is going to be a great forum.







  3. Gee, was THAT frightening! Coming back from a 10 weeks stay somewhere else on the globe and finding all OFF-topics etc. gone at SOH! At MY age that's quite shocking, gentlemen! So I'm MIGHTY GLAD that there is a new place where I can get rid of my frustrations and be a nuisance for at least some people haha. Hope to get phase 3 installed soon and be a happy pilot then. Wish you all the best and lots of happy flying hours. Regards from hertzie.


    Hello hertzie


    It is nice to see you back here.






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