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Everything posted by scary_pigeon

  1. My Favorites Airplanes Of The Comflict.

    well my favourate aircraft used to be the harrier. it was fun and novel hovering pretending i was in a helecoptor and doing other airshow manouvers... ...but now i think it is the skyhawk. its got such an interesting history and on dogfight servers I wonder how it would match up against a harrier?
  2. Some British Ships

    but maybe movies might have to be delayed till next month because of bandwidth restriction? we've used 80%-90% of months bandwidth and we're only like <30% through the month!
  3. I am bored!!!!! I need a new flight sim

    yeah, IL2 :) I have played this for many hours also - but for some reason my system suffers persistant crashes in opengl mode - nasty crashes that cause instant reboot. so i've ended up being unable to play IL2 except in crappy DX mode. making my own flightsim in order to play it is one of motivations as I miss IL2 so much. I'm hoping in the end that the JetThunder series will be as fun and sucessful as IL2 in online play.
  4. another movie (not really official!)

    these movies are unnofficial: Argentine skyhawk begins attack on a british frigate... happily the Bofor gunners having a cup of Tea. The pilot comes to his senses and decides he cant bomb the brits - so he decides to turn on his wingman dropping the bomb long of the target! what a guy! http://www.fluffysteve.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/movie2b.avi now this heroic argentine pilot really turns on his wingmate and shoots him down! http://www.fluffysteve.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/movie3.avi
  5. another movie (not really official!)

    a small note, the mass of the bomb doesnt affect the time it takes to hit the ground. Galileo was the first to point that out.
  6. another movie (not really official!)

    yes, you are correct, the headshake is a bit overdone. I will have to reduce that - its just a single number that is set too high. If it is accelerated it is not intensional - I recording with fraps set at 30 fps - i only just downloaded it and its my first movie - perhaps if the fps is slower than 30fps - as fraps really seems to hurt fps in record mode - then in playback things will look oddly quick? I thought it was okay though. in the movie the bomb takes about 3 seconds i think from release to hitting the water. can do a little maths test: height=1/2 a.t^2 = 1/2 x 9.98 x 3^2 = 44m about 150 ft ? - visually in comparison to height of warship - does this look about right? I was actually supprised to see the other guy spinning like that. at that moment I had changed a few FM paramaters so it was all a mystery tour of what would happen.
  7. another movie (not really official!)

    the AI gunners have had an extended cup of tea. - infact, I've just got home from work so can only now start working on it.
  8. A Quick Hi

    :) cheers
  9. What Do You Want More??

    people have mentioned dynamic campaign often. this is something we've noticed.
  10. new movie

    as ever, requiring the now standard divx codec. http://www.thunder-works.com/bomb_run.avi we will of course be improving the water. For those interested in what precisely we have been doing the last 6 months (this is the first movie for over 6 months) the answer is lots of changes to the terrain system and just lost of development in all areas bringing further towards being a game. When I get my fancy new graphics card I'll be able to start experimenting with per-pixel code - if all goes well, we too will gain realistic looking oceans.
  11. new movie

    its a shame - i like political discussion. I have read of suggestions that the falklands war was the first antartic war. The british territory gives britain a sort of justification to claim parts of the antartic. its a continent of competing territorial claims - a potential powder keg kept. this genie is being kept in the bottle with a currently holding agreement to scientific research only.
  12. new movie

    :) and I might do a fun movie were ... ... an argie pilot - realising the error of his ways... ...drops the bomb short of the frigate then turns on his wingmate and shoots him down ! dont think it would be on the site official.
  13. new movie

    perhaps, but I did feel a little - umm, maybe thats not such a good idea - with regards to games being based on Gulf War 2 - whilst the war was in progress! well maybe our next game will be an organic farm simulator? something gentle and peaceful.
  14. new movie

    it is true. It is something mainly i've brought up. the argies i think just want to rewrite history :) and relise their imperialist goals in the virtual sphere :) but for me, there is a sense of making money out of basically people dieing - within the last generation. British soldiers signed up for soldiering wereas argentine soldiers were conscripts which to my mind is another word for civilian. the falklands war was a 'nice' war though - with no raping and pillaging and only 2 civilian deaths due to mishap - this is rare. This contrasts with WWII - a popular scenario for games and 50 million or more died in that. with regards to lomac - theres is a ficticious conflict - so is strike fighters. And IL2 doesnt give you points or missions for bombing cities - though now I understand in the pacific scenario there will be nuclear bombers.
  15. I am bored!!!!! I need a new flight sim

    well our sim is not finished yet but if your machine runs il2 fb well - then it will run ours well enough too. i believe in developing games on midrange medicocre machines - mine is 384 mb 1.2ghz duron with a crap gforce 4mx 64mb gfx card you tend to be discouraged from making optimisations if your fps is always hitting the refresh rate of the monitor.
  16. Heat Seeking Missiles

    what i am interested to know is more about this shafir2. it is correct that this is the varient in argentinas armoury? the site http://www.israeli-weapons.com/weapons/mis...on/Python2.html is in somewhat broken english - but from what I read suggest the israelies use a head mounted cue for the missile. therefore im currious if anybody knows if the argie airforce that uses this missile uses the same targetting system? or is the missile just slaved to gunsite? is a field mod a possibility to upgrade to the israel type targetting system? and what would the missiles behaviour be if the situation was this: you're in a turn looking upwards to the top of your cockpit at a harrier in a sort of turn fight. you're doing drag pursuit. will the missile when launched without lockon still try to fly in the direction you cued to it? and then attempt to gain a lock. if this is so - from my understanding, this missile with that sort of targetting system and behavour would make it potentially very deadly to harriers.
  17. headshake and eyebehaviour

    me :) I have one... ...the company sent me one to help ensure that I include it in native mode. Currently I'm using it from time to time with mouse emulation. theres still a few bugs with the eye roll and mouse view - the eye roll I think rolls in incorrect direction when head is turned away from dead ahead. It is an easy to fix thing. - but i've not found it particularly disorienting when you do pan around because eye roll happens after the pan so its not like when its diaganol u look upwards yet find your view moving up and right.
  18. Sidewinders and Pucaras

    i thought i read somewhere that the aim9l all aspect as it is - can only really hit something head on if it conveniently flies basically straight.
  19. Favorite Falkand's War Aircraft

    like the pucara - they look pretty. which reminds me - we're thinking that if the campaign is stretched - then the argies side will have access to battlefield mods: pucaras with air launched torpedoes. anybody aware of any other battlefield mods that were in development?
  20. still keeping up with yall..

    im just the programmer and i am a little vague on naval warefare rellying on dante to find everything out.. ..how much of an advantage is the british submarines? one sunk the unescorted sleeping belgrano. could the brit sub fleet sink the entire surface fleet operating as a unit with helecoptors patrolling with their dangling sonar things? presumedely the important argie ships would be in the middle of some sort of formation and harder to get at? I would imagine once a torpedo or two had been fired - the argie task force would know precisely where it was. frow what i have read, the argie fleet seemed quite powerful - mixed in with land based jet attack - the organic air power of the argie fleet - the sea launched exocets then it would be impossible for the royal navy i imagine not to take losses. if the argie fleet closed to gunrange with british warships then i would imagine that the argie fleet might have an advantage? both sides would be hurt by that - so maybe they had as you suggest already abondoned the falklands as a vital strategic goal - worrying more about chile. i imagine the british submarine advantage would tend to shadow the fleet giving the the royal navy a tactical advantage in knowing where they are first.
  21. headshake and eyebehaviour

    yes it can be a slider - for example currently in the test i have two numbers headshake constant with an arbitary + range and eye roll constant with a range from 0.0..1.0
  22. headshake and eyebehaviour

    yes. i think the effect was too extreme when I first tried it. it was a case of corr - ive got a new effect - do it to the max and over do it. i suppose like lensflare effects when people first started doing those. I feel like the road/horizonis tilting too - even in a pedal bike if I'm in a nutty mood.
  23. headshake and eyebehaviour

    yes, definately turn off and onable it should be. personally as I said, when I added it in, i thought corr, wow - this is like the best think I've ever seen ever in a flightsim... ...and dante, also a keen flightsimer takes compeletey opposition point of view - in microcosm this could be a good representation of what opinion would be in the flightsim community. so the feature must be switchable or people would just be offended by it. or perhaps not even have the feature at all to avoid controversy - since no other flightsim AFAIK attempts to model eye-brain behaviour. infact, I dont know of a single game ever which does. there may be differences in the eye-brain behaviour of different people too which could make it appear very false to some people and very true to others. any input from anybody who knows more about this would be welcome.
  24. The eyecandy thread

    with rolling pens and sliding paper? the officers will need paper weights.
  25. still keeping up with yall..

    yes working on the AI at the moment still. I'm going to work on the neural net AI today - and perhaps mix that with working turret work.

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