I`ve recently set up amother small pc with W.98SE in order to play some of my older flight sims. Imagine my dismay when I discovered that amongst the missing CD`s was good old "Longbow 2". I`ve tried all over but can`t find a copy for sale. Does anyone know of a Newsgroup or Forum that runs a "Games For Sale" type setup ??
Many thanks
Just downloaded Rotagen`s 1916 Flying Circus but cannont locate a couple of aircraft that are required
DFWC5 and Salmson2A. Can anyone please advise me where I can downloaded them ?? I`ve gone thru CA`s list
Many thanks
Does anyone know of a method or mod to change the colour of the flight information shewn in the bottom left hand corner of the cockpit. I find that Red is a difficult colour for me to read the info quickly.