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Everything posted by rogueranger1993

  1. I'm certainly not asking for DCS-level quality, I'm well aware that such a feat would be impossible, and I'm just fine with the SF-series not putting huge amounts of model quality/fidelity into the terrain. I just would like to have maps that add more buildings in cities, more details to the airfields, and more trees to the terrain in logical places. So far, I've focused my flying on the desert map used for the mercenary campaigns, so I haven't had a lot of time to explore the other map mods I've installed. I just happened to notice that while flying over one of the nearby cities during a ground attack practice mission I'd set up for practice that the city just felt, well, kinda empty. What I'd really like to do is set up cities so that they feel more crowded and alive - I'd love to model cities block-by-block for ultimate immersion, but that may end up causing a massive performance hit, and it would be very time consuming. However, I've seen some work done in IL-2 mods (for v1.12) that are really inspiring, in particular the Spain 2019 map mod - and IIRC, IL-2 is even older than SF2, so better map clutter is at least theoretically possible I would think.
  2. Shoot it my way, that made me laugh. But yeah, it'd be great to get some news on this. Also, Arrow, I don't know what voice recognition method is used by either program, so I can't really help you there. However, I do think that it can't hurt to try, right? Being a skeptic just means you're less dissapointed if it fails, at least that's my opinion. Anyways, I'm going to try Voice Attack and see if it'll work soon. If I can figure out how to do it, and then get a working profile, I'll see about putting up for download so that others can use it too. A voice command system and a TrackIR set will make the game even more fun to play if you ask me. (NOTE: for TrackIR system, I reccommend the TrackHat company, which is based in Britain. They have several setups of varying cost that are all very reliable, and the best part is that they're half the price or less of the TrackIR brand stuff! Great equipment!)
  3. Suppose that makes sense. I've actually managed to get an installation working so far with the SF2V, SF2I, and SF2NA expansions, along with the 48-46 Campaign w/ the Suez 56 update and some other mods like new aircraft and maps/terrain upgrades. I haven't tried any campaigns yet, but so far it seems to work, and the loading times aren't really bad either - they're actually pretty damn good so far. I am leery about installing the Falklands mod though, as it seems to be one of those very specific mods you mentioned.
  4. So, I just wanted to ask this question; what is the reasoning behind installing campaign mods for SF2 in separate mod folders? I ask because I want to get the NATO Fighters 5, SF2V, SF2NA, and SF2I expanded campaign mods, a few others as well, but I personally want to install them in a single folder with a single launch button rather than an array of different folders and launch buttons. So, besides knowing why it was done in the first place, I'd also like to know if this is possible? And if so, has anybody had experience with how I should go about it that they can share?
  5. Hey guys, I wanted to ask this for future reference, since I am considering this idea for a future mod project. I know that we already have easy flight mode, but I wanted to know if it was possible for me to build a mod that would add a new control setting that would allow a player to maneuver their plane in a way that is very similar to the arcade method used in the Ace Combat series. Essentially, pushing the joystick left doesn't just roll the plane, it has the plane automatically execute a left turn, and you also have the ability to pitch up or down while standing on your wing simply by pushing the joystick forward or back. So, any advice, ideas, anything? I'm not looking to do this right away, but I would like to know if it's possible, and if so, how it could be done.
  6. Gerwin, when I mentioned the improvements to IL-2 1946, I was actually talking about the guys modding the 4.12.2 version, particularly the B.A.T. megamod that adds new content dating from WW1 all the way to the modern era. I was also talking about the Spain 2019 map mod and the IL-2GE graphics improvement mod that up the ante for detail in the game, but they're all designed to be used with he 4.12.2 version. I personally play IL-2 v4.12.2 with the B.A.T. mod installed, so I have no knowledge whatsoever about the stuff going on with the newer v4.13.x. I was specifically referring to progress made by modders using version 4.12.2 of the game. Sorry for not being more clear. And yeah, I read about the fact that the SF2 base code is unavailable to the modding community, but I only happened across that while I was exploring the forums AFTER I posted that response. In any case, it would certainly be an interesting endeavor to undertake, and I actually happen to have one or two ideas in mind after I gave it some thought - but I'll not talk about that, since I have no idea if they'll ever work, so I feel that it would be better to only mention my plans if I manage to gain some measure of success. In any case, I'm much more interested in enjoying the updates made by the community for a while, now that I finally have a combat flight sim that I can really enjoy playing (and I wish to truly applaud the amazing things the modding community has done despite their limitations over the years), so that's something I'll save for the future.
  7. Thanks. I kinda figured it would be to avoid cross-contamination, Wrench, but wanted to be sure. I think I'll try to install them together, but I'll avoid ruining my original installation by using the separate mods folder trick while I test it out. If I am successful, I'll post a new thread talking about how I did it so others can replicate it.
  8. I've had it on my wishlist for a while now, particularly due to the wide array of mods for it. Being designed as an FPS game, it will of course have amazing detail in it's ground terrain compared to an old flight sim (and some modern flight sims), due simply to the game's primary goal of being an FPS. The disadvantage to that is, of course, smaller maps - putting that level of detail into the massive maps we see in SF2 and other flight sims is a very harsh and demanding task. I will say, however, that the IL-2 modding community on the SAS forums has seen some great new content recently, including graphics and effects upgrades, and the Spain 2019 mod really ups the ante for detailed maps in old flight sims like IL-2 - it actually inspires me to see if some of the same improvements could be made to SF2 with a small team of dedicated modders. Honestly, any group of people willing to spend some time combing through the SF2 code and fixing/updating it, along with implementing graphical upgrades to effects, maps, etc. would probably become heroes of the community, haha. To get back on subject, though, I did find that SF2 has a very helpful feature for newbie flyers like me - the wing leveler. Just press the assigned keybinding, and the game will automatically bring your plane to a state of level flight from any angle. It's a godsend for me, and has helped me to get the hang of conventional flight sim joystick movements within just an hour of flight. I can now fly my plane like a novice pilot rather than some crazy pedestrian who doesn't understand the first thing about how to properly maneuver a plane. I'll admit, the controls I wanted to try and mod were partly to prove it could be done, and partly because I sucked horribly at maneuvering airplanes using flight sim controls. So, my interest in this particular mod idea has waned some, and I've placed it on the backburner in leiu of dreams involving a modpack that fixes bugs in the code, updates said code, and then goes on to add graphics updates. If IL-2 1946 can do it, SF2 should be able to do something similar, right?
  9. Okay, so a quick update - I've found after some searching of the files and some time playing the game that using the rearm command is probably the easiest route to use, since I was unable to find the file that controls ammo limits for the gun based on difficulty level. All you have to do is find the Controls.ini file in your game's mod folder and scroll to the bottom of it, then add a new line that reads "REARM_WEAPONS=ALT+W". You can, of course, set the keybinding to whatever you want - I chose to link it with a button on my joystick for easy access during gameplay.
  10. Hey guys! So, first I'd like to explain a bit about my situation here, then I'll get to the issue at hand. So, I came across Strike Fighters 2 some time ago, but only bought in when I realized that it seemed that no other flight sims out there could offer a 'game' experience - they were pretty much all study sims. So, I( bought in and dropped the cash for the full combo pack, and now I'm here. Best of all, I was able to jump into an instant action mission and have some real fun without even needing to dig into a manual or anything! I did, however, want to try something. I know that DCS world has unlimited fuel and ammo options in their gameplay modes, so I wanted to try and find something similar for SF2. I was unable to find somethignt hat has already been made, so I figured I'd use my noob modding skills (and the skills and advice of my very coding-literate cousin) to try and put together a similar mod for what will probably be one of my go-to flight games from now on. So, to be clear, my goal is to try and build a mod that, when added to an SF2 install, will provide the player with three new options for their games; unlimited fuel, unlimited gun ammo, and unlimited ordnance (missiles/bombs). Either that, or just some lines of code to add/change in aircraft or game files. What I'd like to do with this thread is solicit any advice, ideas, and/or help that you guys can give. Thanks!
  11. Well... But apparently, we can have respawnable ammo, so that effectively give us unlimited ammo. And finding the code used for the unlimited gun ammo that is part of the easy settings holds some promise if it can be applied to ordnance as well - does anyone know where I can find that piece of code?
  12. That's what I did while first starting out, but I found that I struggled some with remembering to apply opposite stick to exit the turn, and I always hated how I couldn't move the nose up or down without leveling out first. I still use them, it just takes some getting used to. With this project, though, I wanted to try and build something that replicated the arcade controls from Ace Combat games, where you push the stick left to turn left, and continue turning left while you hold it there, then level out when the stick re-centers, and also giving pitch control at all turn angles. Probably needs some pretty complex coding to work, but for me it's less about making the game into an arcade system and more of a pet project I'd like to do to get started with more complex coding; it's also a thought-exercise for me as well, something I want to do just to prove that it's possible.
  13. Yeah, I was fiddling around with the controls and read a bit through the manual last night. The easy ammo usage and fuel cosumption settings give you unlimited gun ammo and fuel, respectively, so I think it should be possible to do something similar for ordnance, but it would probably take some real digging to do it. Also, I'll try out that control setting later today, gerwin, just to see what it does.
  14. Well, that was pretty emphatic... However, I personally would like to believe that it is possible, if people think about it in the right way and are willing to put the effort in. For example, if you can't make the default definition of unlimited ammo possible, why not make a mod that allows a plane to be rearmed instantaneously in mid-air? Then you can even put a limit on how many rearms you can use. Also, I know that someone mentioned they did do something similar by accident on these forums, though they couldn't recall how to replicate it, I think it was for SF1 but I can't remember just right where I saw it... Anyways, I'm pretty sure it's possible to effectively have unlimited ammo and fuel (such as the instant resupply function I mentioned), it's just the way you get it to work that's the trick, and that's what I was asking about here; ideas for how such a mod could be made to work.

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