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Everything posted by JohnLewis141997

  1. Try Lizengo.com I got a genuine win 7 there for £12.99
  2. In the game folder itself where the .exe is, I had issues with it on 10, so I'm sticking with Windows 7 despite the end of support. oh and use the wrapper version then you can simply copy and paste it in
  3. Try updating it to the latest patch which is the oct2008 patch and use the ENB generic as that helps the frame rate, I've put it in the attachment and I like to credit VonS for posting it as that help me with frame rate issue with first Eagles 2, I hope these will help enbseries_generic_v0076.zip
  4. Windows 10

    How about the SF1 2008 Update to the previous version as I have the WOI Nesher cockpit on the SFP1 lastest 2006 patch and the gunsight doesn't display properly nor does it move as well the Mirage III radar is giving a green screen, I'm using version 83006 as can get perfect fps with settings on high img00006.bmp img00005.bmp
  5. Windows 10

    I'm working on doing some personal modifications for the SFP 1 Falklands mod, I managed to extract the Nesher and the Harrier GR3 from the CAT Files complete with cockpit. Been quite a hit and miss as the first service pack update crashes when using the cockpit lods and the 2008 update removes the weapons but works like a charm with the last update before the 2008 patch. Doing the Daggers Loadout was annoying but managed to sort it out. The Frame Rate is smooth as hell, smoother than SF-2 as well I like the Flight Model on SFP1 than SF2's. It runs well when using the ENB Generic. I do have question is there a way of transferring SF2 Aircraft to SFP1 as theres a Mirage IIIEA model I want to carry other. P.S is there a way to chat privately
  6. First Eagles 2; 'A' Team Pup, Bloody April campaign, Flanders terrain

    Are these available to download?
  7. How do you change the dates so that it doesn't pass 11/11/18 as the maps go all the way to 1919
  8. Windows 10

    Cheers mate your the best
  9. Windows 10

    My personal favorites mods are BAT, Ultra Pack 2.0 and Dark Blue World. I'm starting to get into more WW1 gaming ever since playing Verdun on my PS4 mostly as the Tommies since I am British. I am interested in the Falklands War and the mod on Strike Fighters surrounding it is quite amazing especially the ships Canberra is highly detailed. I need to get some LODS from A-Team like the Sopwith Tri and the Plafz and the heavy bombers.
  10. Even though Windows 7 support has ended, I'm still going to use it since some older games like SFP and First Eagles seems to run on 7 and not 10, Strike Fighters Project 1 for example is quite slow in the menu and has the ratio issue but on 7 it runs pretty flawless
  11. SFP and FE on Windows 7

    Dangerous Waters is another example, since windows 10 you need a modified d3d8.dll to actually get it to work but has issues like the text flickering but on 7 it runs without needing to modify it and seems more compatible also games like Mig-29 Fulcrum and B17 Mighty 8th has an issue where the fullscreen seems to windowed. Windows 10 broke older games
  12. Windows 10

    1946's forest is just layers of sheets, I like making massive Battle of Britain dogfights over the channel with 40 aircrafts on each side, fps was playing
  13. Windows 10

    I got Il-2 1946 but it runs quite shit on my current laptop especially when flying over trees, ran smoothly when I had my Toshiba with Intel 3. This one has AMD A9-9420, Silent Hunter 3 runs well, the Anti Aliasing on SH3 with AMD works on 7 not 10
  14. Windows 10

    I got Windows 7 Home Premium, I've installed FE and SFP 1 they run well on 7 without the ENB Generic, so I might stay on 7 but being cautious doing so. Windows 10 is just a mess

    Got a poster of that typhoon on my wall from when I went to Waddington Airshow
  16. Windows 10

    Strike Fighters 2 runs smoothly on it's own, just don't Force DX9. Too bad Windows 7 is going to be dead soon. I'm running on Win 10 but I preferred Win 7. With this driver does it work with any other games I've tried it on SF Project as a try but doesn't work. First Eagles 2 is so much fun now that can play it I don't how can thank you enough .
  17. Windows 10

    You sir is God, Before finding this FE2 ran like at 1fps now it runs really smoothly, many thanks
  18. BAe Hawk T.1

    Smoke On, Go!
  19. Well this be an inclusive SCW mod for FE2?, I be interested since I've played the SCW mod on Il-2 1946

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