Since finding work in the IT field, my addiction for computer based flight sims have gone down with the ever intense retina burn out gazing into monitors for countless hours a day. Getting married, moving out of moms basement, and moving into an apartment has made 1/144 the scale of choice currently. With a house purchase in the works, the 1/72 fleets may return. Until then, the 1/144 apartment scale grows. Completed these two earlier this month. CR is the old revell kit. ZF is the Lee models variant, which is very close if not identical to the old LS kit. About the F-4 kits in 1/144, there arent a whole lot of options even with almost half a dozen manufacturers and boxes. I have a few built and will get pictures up soon of the Phantom collection.
On the bench in various forms of completion are
Platz A-4E, Dragon A-6E, Academy F-4E (which has recently gotten a resin RF-4 nose job, an Arii F-4B, Arii F-100D, Dragon F-16C, Lee Models F-20 and Lee Models F-15A.