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PeacePuma posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
View File EMBRAER A-29B SUPER TUCANO FACH ENG A-29B FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE The A-29B B Super Tucano is a turboprop aircraft incorporated into the FACH in 2010 as a complement to the C-101 aircraft and a preliminary step for fighter pilots. He is employed as an advanced trainer and attack aircraft, with a varied arsenal of bombs, rocket launchers and missiles in his inventory. This mod represents the last batch of 4 A-29B super tucanos incorporated into the Chilean air force between 2019 and 2020 in addition to the standardization of the paint of the fuselages, going from Mediterranean camo to low visibility gray, a standard that will be applied by the FACH to all your fixed-wing aircraft inventory. Among other additions, an additional tacan antenna is also added, depending on the chile version and identification patches for training and attack group No. 1 based in Los Cóndores, Iquique. ******************************************************************************************************************************************* ES A-29B FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE El A-29B Super Tucano es un avión turbohélice incorporado en la FACH en el año 2010 como complemento de los aviones C-101 y peldaño previo para los pilotos de combate. Es empleado como entrenador avanzado y aeronave de ataque, contando con un variado arsenal de bombas, lanzacohetes y misiles en su inventario. Este mod representa el último lote de 4 A-29B super tucanos incorporados a la fuerza aérea de chile entre 2019 y 2020 además de la estandarización de la pintura de los fuselajes pasando de camo mediterrano a gris de baja visibilidad, estandar que ira aplicando la FACH a todas su inventario de aeronaves de ala fija. entre otras adiciones también se agrega antena tacan adicional, según la versión de chile y parches identificativos grupo de entrenamiento y ataque Nº. 1 con base en los Cóndores, Iquique ************* Credits Ooriginal design (3d + data + textures) ........... Dennis Oliveira Mod fach (3d addons + repaint) ................ PeacePuma Thanks to the excellent Dennis model that preserves in great detail the 3D design of this formidable aircraft. Important. You must not distribute this mod on external sites without the consent of its original designer, likewise additions and / or modifications without the approval of the modder I hope you enjoy this model. Submitter PeacePuma Submitted 03/02/2021 Category Other Origin-
- a-29b
- super tucano
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Version 1.0.0
ENG A-29B FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE The A-29B B Super Tucano is a turboprop aircraft incorporated into the FACH in 2010 as a complement to the C-101 aircraft and a preliminary step for fighter pilots. He is employed as an advanced trainer and attack aircraft, with a varied arsenal of bombs, rocket launchers and missiles in his inventory. This mod represents the last batch of 4 A-29B super tucanos incorporated into the Chilean air force between 2019 and 2020 in addition to the standardization of the paint of the fuselages, going from Mediterranean camo to low visibility gray, a standard that will be applied by the FACH to all your fixed-wing aircraft inventory. Among other additions, an additional tacan antenna is also added, depending on the chile version and identification patches for training and attack group No. 1 based in Los Cóndores, Iquique. ******************************************************************************************************************************************* ES A-29B FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE El A-29B Super Tucano es un avión turbohélice incorporado en la FACH en el año 2010 como complemento de los aviones C-101 y peldaño previo para los pilotos de combate. Es empleado como entrenador avanzado y aeronave de ataque, contando con un variado arsenal de bombas, lanzacohetes y misiles en su inventario. Este mod representa el último lote de 4 A-29B super tucanos incorporados a la fuerza aérea de chile entre 2019 y 2020 además de la estandarización de la pintura de los fuselajes pasando de camo mediterrano a gris de baja visibilidad, estandar que ira aplicando la FACH a todas su inventario de aeronaves de ala fija. entre otras adiciones también se agrega antena tacan adicional, según la versión de chile y parches identificativos grupo de entrenamiento y ataque Nº. 1 con base en los Cóndores, Iquique ************* Credits Original design (3d + data + textures) ........... Deniss Oliveira Mod fach (3d addons + repaint) ................ PeacePuma Thanks to the excellent denissoliveira model that preserves in great detail the 3D design of this formidable aircraft. Important. You must not distribute this mod on external sites without the consent of its original designer, likewise additions and / or modifications without the approval of the modder I hope you enjoy this model.-
- 7
- a-29b
- super tucano
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