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PeacePuma last won the day on January 20 2023

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About PeacePuma

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  1. If we think about it, this is the use we give to our files similar to the web publication since we visualize the models on screen... there are works so exquisitely detailed that they are published with high quality printing standards, which is not taken advantage of and sacrifices resources in many pc. I must confess that many great models I run them through optimization to ensure good fps especially if you give full throttle to all the parameters of the game.
  2. I also think the problem must be the software, I have worked skins of that size on an i3 laptop with 6 gb of ram and the hdd about to collapse. My recommendation is that you can get an old Photoshop, maybe 7 to cs6 to meet the requirements of an modest pc, PS behaves quite well with documents of that size, you can configure virtual memory taking the free space of your HDD, another recommendation is not to go crazy creating layers and layers, you can make test layers that do not compromise the editing of other elements but once achieved the goal, you group them with related elements to go down the memory usage ... ... and something that I commented several years ago, a 4k texture does not have to weigh 20 mb ... nor 10 ... nor 6 there is an output in ps that is called “save for web” you give 90% or 80% quality (imperceptible detail loss) and you can leave textures in 2 or 3 mb what users with more modest pc hardware will be grateful.
  3. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Me parece genial que el talento que le pones a los modelos te este generando ingresos, te vendria bien una tiendita tipo razbam para comenzar... supongo el comprador viene que de la nacion europea de las novelas jajaja a lo mejor le acierto! ...na, ....bromas!
  4. I was never quite clear about the F-16 CJ or CM designations as I read on reddit that it had to do with the CCIP upgrade but didn't know if they were factory designations or MLU type modifications. About the upgrades, I don't know if everyone knows that Argentina bought 24 vipers from Denmark, the issue is that in local forums today is being discussed which tape is better between the 6.6 from neighboring Chile which is being upgraded by Lockheed Martin or the 6.6 from the Danes applied in European workshops, it is speculated that they have different ratings depending on the supplier that implements it... in Europe it was discussed at the time who had the best viper???? @ravenclaw_007 Pd I do not want to ask for anything but if you ever have the disposition to add or remove things to the block 50 I made some changes that in some future could be included in the lod instead of doing it with false pilot.
  5. WIP o Trabajos en progreso

    Hola Master y que haras con los modelos que tienes casi listos?... por lo que veo tienes varios en fase de pruebas
  6. Hello! What happen with this file???? Cannot be downloaded.
  7. You cannot modify or add elements in the same way you would in real life. Think of the 3d elements in the game with a porcelain object, on which you cannot overlay or paste elements to make modifications. If you want to alter something in the game, you need to redo it or edit the original file, which requires the consent of the creator. Olivier Anguille was the genius behind many of the old models, but he passed away in 2009, leaving unfinished works. Some contributors have rescued and redone some works, but in general the old models are conversions to adapt them to the new engine. In short, if you want to modify elements in the game, you need to create something new if you no longer have the original sources.
  8. For my part I already understood that it is an indicator composed of 2 in 1, so it is not enough just to change the textures... if you wonder why it was not considered something so basic, I think the explanation is because the model comes from the SF1 and WOX series, iirc these versions did not show the speed in MACH whose change came with the SF2 series. So why bother making an indicator that can't show mach speed due to the limitations of the game engine?
  9. For such a popular bird, it was difficult for me to find a photo with this detail of the cockpit... I complement what MigBuster comments (edit) this tomcat reached mach1.2
  10. The texture could be redone if it were verified that the path of the needle resembles the scale eg at 6 = mach 1.0
  11. Tell me how you feel about seeing this page... I am very fond of Colum5, it brings back many good memories like when you remember a song... and from here I discovered the CA site... for the nostalgic, I leave you a link to the old one. site in all its glory https://web.archive.org/web/20100428115038/http://www.column5.us/aircraft.shtml
  12. Back in 2000 I was starting university and in the student residence there was a modest PC with Windows 98, at that time I painted things in paint with a style that decades later would be called pixelart, by chance looking for who knows what. , I found that it installed a demo version of F-22 lightning and from there I left the pixelart aside haha... then I went through F-16 MRF, Comanche and other Novalogic sims, F18 Hornet until I reached Flanker 2.5 there I learned about the modifications with various texture packs that I was downloading from the internet, and one day around 2008 I found a publication that mentioned several flight simulators that I already knew except one called Strike Fighters Project 1... I was struck by the graphics (much better than what I was playing then) and also the novelty of piloting a selection of Cold War fighters. I thought it was interesting to get it. When I got it I think it was the GOG editor, they had a free download of 5 modern era airplanes on their website, there was the f-16, F-18, the tomcat among others, at that moment I said wow how can I fly such a variety of planes, then I met checksix.frw here I found many other planes and textures and then,... and the greatest pleasure was reaching Column5.us... there I said "what kind of spell is this?" and my creative orgasm was total hahaha... from there to CA it was just a step to marvel at this community and here we are, fascinated by a modifiable simulator, the perfect game for an airplane lover who is also a graphic designer...
  13. Haha, that sums up what kind of players we are...
  14. Guys, no one here has committed an infraction, it is unfortunate that they are distancing themselves just to defend ideas and outside others who have committed an infraction do not care what is happening here... @Menrva, @daddyairplanes, @bazillius, you are valuable, I don't know get angry just for presenting different positions...Bazillius has not promoted anything against CA, I only see that he renounces claiming ownership of his work (he does not want to worry about that) and that is his right. ...the rest of the opinions are subjective and we can agree or not but they are only our opinions... please do not marginalize your joint projects. unity is strength... we also have different nationalities with our ways of speaking and expressing ideas here standardized to english, which does not always faithfully interpret what we want to say in verbal language... so let's not take it literally at all, Happy new year guys, may this year be fruitful here and in your private life and I reiterate my admiration and respect for each of you.

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