I have been playing around with B-52's with Big Belly mod bomb loads. The problem I have is that the bombbay doors are closing before the full load of 84 Mk82 or 42 M-117 bombs are released. This occurs both with the doors set for manual or automatic. The ripple quantity in the cockpit INI file and the release count under the LevelBombAI entry in the data INI has been set to account for the size of the bomb load.
I have fiddled around with the "BombBayOpenTime=" and "BombBayCloseTime=" settings to no effect, within seconds of coming open the doors start to close. I seem to remember that there is some kind of setting in the aircraft data file that can force the doors to stay open until manually commanded to close but I can't remember what it is.
I would appreciate some help on this issue.