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OH-6A Loaches in NAM
yakarov79 posted a topic in Thirdwire: Strike Fighters 2 Series - File Announcements
File Name: OH-6A Loaches in NAM File Submitter: yakarov79 File Submitted: 25 March 2015 File Category: Other Hughes OH-6A CAYUSE Ver 1.0 for SF2 ver. 0.95 This is a third party add on of the OH-6A CAYUSE using models* and cockpits created by me. *External model is build by my friend Tomek Wachowski and me, years ago for differnt purpose. Fortunately he found some early work files on his hard drive and brought to me. With some work i was able to bring it back to life. Technicaly it is 80% new model compared to original old one flying somewhere out there. The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters. I have just modified it a bit. It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. Few thing still needs to be done here. But I decided to upload it already. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Jarek Hereda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************IMPORTANT****************** This addon works only with my WeaponPACK (included in rar file). All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack. Standard commands for activating Loach features: OH-6A Loach: ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station. LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed. Don't forget to retract before shooting. A2Ground mode - M70E1 gunsight. In OH-6A Cayuse model XM70E1 gunsight will apear in cockpit and external model only when gun is loaded on weaponstation. OH-6A Cayuse only: ANIMATION 8 - front left door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 9 - front right door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 10 - rear door. This helicopteris build in two variants. First is ‚clean’ out of factory OH-6A Cayuse. Just small scout chopper. This is additional aircraft to main file here. OH-6A Cayuse as seen on many photos from Vietnam War. Known also as Loach. In this model you can switch to rear gunner positionand actualy really hit ground targets with M60. You just have to aim throug rear – front sight line. Like in real gun. It is not prefect but this game as you know is not supporting choppers, double cockpits and many many more things. So this time again it is just to have at least good feeling. Gunner is made as internal weapon not weapon station. This way is better. Gunner is set as SECONDARY GUN by default. You can really fly low and slow. And in Pink Team just mark targets for Cobra wingman. I am sugesting to fly low on 40-50% of throttle. around 45degree vector control, use pulse rudder to control left right, it is realy easy. With little practice you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes. Important her to control is using rudder and vector thrust control. Fuel. Remeber it is small chopper. And it can carry only around 54 US Gals of fuel. I belive it is enough for around 2 hours of flight here maybe little more. Skins. All serial numbers are historicaly correct. Paint schemes and markings. I was trying to be acurate as much as possible in paint schemes and markins. Some skins for unit are generic because there were some little diferences within unit itself. Plus this schemes represents aircrafts used bu units during 2-3 year of service. OH-6A Cayuse standard olive green paint with two serial numbers. OH-6A Loach. Here i was trying to match my AH-1G Cobra. All serial numbers are historicaly correct. D Company 227th AHB 11th ACR C Troop 1/9 Cavalry D Troop 1/4 Cavalry D Troop 3/4 Cavalry C Troop 16th Cavalry F Troop 4th Cavalry Story about Weapon systems. Internal. Gunner with M60 400 round of ammo. No flash by default. Because with cocpit movement on gunner station it apear somewhere on elbow. better when it is not there. It can be easy changed by setting entry on M60 in aircraftdata.ini to TRUE Additional Weapons. - Weapon Station 1 XM27E1 – M134 Minigun M27 - as above redesignated an unfaired Minigun M134 since 1969. XM8 – M129 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Not seen in Vietnam. Plus some extra weapons that were spotted on photos from Vietnam War. - Weapon Stations 2 & 3 Up to two single tubes for Mk40 FFAR rockets attached on skids, with different warhead rockets. M151, M156, M229, M255A1, M259, M257, M247. - Weapon Station 6 Experimental quad launcher unit developed by Rock Island Arsenal attached inside cargo compartment. Similiar to system mounted later in exported versions of H-500 Series. Very rare, seen on few pictures from Vietnam War but it was there. Do not mix Weapon station 2 and 6 on loadouts menu. Meaning to be correct 2 or 1 single tube OR Quad launcher. - Weapon Station 7 Most interesting is 7 tube XM158 launcher attached to XM27 susbsytem instead of 7.62mm minigun. Very rare field mod probably instaled only on one aircraft (no. 67-16321). I just used two versions with M151 and M156 warheads. - Weapon Stations 4 & 5 Smoke grenades. DO NOT GIVE THEM TO WINGMAN. Just five colours of smoke grenades, Yellow, White, Green, Red, Violet. I am not sure if this will support available color smoke effects. So probably wil need to create new smoke effects or mod smoke grenades. - Weapon Station 8 Exhaust modification in late Loaches. Starting 1972 when SA-7 was threatening US crews this mod was often instaled on scout choppers. Same purpose as on late G Cobra models. I will apear on aircraft by default starting 1973 due to loadout.ini file. - Weapon Stations 9, 10, 11, 12. Not to be used on OH-6A ! Purpose of this is to play Pink Team on single mission with armed AH-1G Cobra. In single mission on loadout menu you can change wingman aircraft to any available AH-1G Cobra and arm it with designated weapons for Cobra. If you don't like this option you can easly disable this by puting \ mark in data.ini file in front of weapon station entry. Have fun. Enjoy. Report bugs. Mod it your way. Hope I did not miss anything here Regards. More to come in OH-6 category. Thanks to and reference: TM 9-1005-298-12 Operational Manual, Armament Subsytem, Helicopter, 7.62 Millimeter Machine Gun: High Rate, XM27E1 TM 55-1520-214-10 Operators Manual Helicopter Observation OH-6A The McDonnell Douglas OH-6A Helicopter, Aero Series OH-6A Cayuse in Detail, Wings & Wheels Publications. GUNSLINGERS IN ACTIONS – Squadron Signal F Troop Yearbook 1971-1972 and many more that I dont remember right now. Click here to download this file -
Version 1.25
Hughes OH-6A CAYUSE Ver 1.0 for SF2 ver. 0.95 This is a third party add on of the OH-6A CAYUSE using models* and cockpits created by me. *External model is build by my friend Tomek Wachowski and me, years ago for differnt purpose. Fortunately he found some early work files on his hard drive and brought to me. With some work i was able to bring it back to life. Technicaly it is 80% new model compared to original old one flying somewhere out there. The original flight model is standard as on many free to download helicopters. I have just modified it a bit. It is designed for and works only in SF2 series. Few thing still needs to be done here. But I decided to upload it already. ************************************************************* This is freeware; it CANNOT be distrubuted unless permissions are granted by myself. The original readmes, if any, and all other pieces of the package MUST remain intact. The names of all contributors, modders, suppliers, etc =MUST= be listed in any new readmes. This package and any part of it may NOT in any way, shape or form be used in any payware additions. See the original readme documentation, if any, for further allowances and restrictions Any persons wishing to make further modfications, contact me first. Any persons wishing to make further modfications, MUST remember to put everyone's name in it. Bribes and donations are accepted; ************************************************************* ************************************************************* THIS AIRCRAFT MOD OR ANY PART OF IT MUST NOT BE HOSTED OR POSTED FOR DOWNLOAD ON ANY OTHER WEB SITE WITHOUT MY EXPRESS PERMISSION, OR USED FOR ANY OTHER PURPOSE THAN THIRDWIRE FLIGHT SIMULATORS, AND MUST NOT BE SOLD OR OFFERED FOR SALE BY ITSELF OR WITH ANY OTHER FILES OR MODS. ************************************************************* Jarek Hereda ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************IMPORTANT****************** This addon works only with my WeaponPACK (included in rar file). All of weapon stations are made as specific station code and will work only with this weapon pack. Standard commands for activating Loach features: OH-6A Loach: ARRESTING HOOK - jump from pilot station to gunner station. LANDING GEAR - Nose light deploy/retract at any speed. Don't forget to retract before shooting. A2Ground mode - M70E1 gunsight. In OH-6A Cayuse model XM70E1 gunsight will apear in cockpit and external model only when gun is loaded on weaponstation. OH-6A Cayuse only: ANIMATION 8 - front left door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 9 - front right door (ext and cockpit view) ANIMATION 10 - rear door. This helicopteris build in two variants. First is ‚clean’ out of factory OH-6A Cayuse. Just small scout chopper. This is additional aircraft to main file here. OH-6A Cayuse as seen on many photos from Vietnam War. Known also as Loach. In this model you can switch to rear gunner positionand actualy really hit ground targets with M60. You just have to aim throug rear – front sight line. Like in real gun. It is not prefect but this game as you know is not supporting choppers, double cockpits and many many more things. So this time again it is just to have at least good feeling. Gunner is made as internal weapon not weapon station. This way is better. Gunner is set as SECONDARY GUN by default. You can really fly low and slow. And in Pink Team just mark targets for Cobra wingman. I am sugesting to fly low on 40-50% of throttle. around 45degree vector control, use pulse rudder to control left right, it is realy easy. With little practice you can even hoover. Without fake flaps and airbrakes. Important her to control is using rudder and vector thrust control. Fuel. Remeber it is small chopper. And it can carry only around 54 US Gals of fuel. I belive it is enough for around 2 hours of flight here maybe little more. Skins. All serial numbers are historicaly correct. Paint schemes and markings. I was trying to be acurate as much as possible in paint schemes and markins. Some skins for unit are generic because there were some little diferences within unit itself. Plus this schemes represents aircrafts used bu units during 2-3 year of service. OH-6A Cayuse standard olive green paint with two serial numbers. OH-6A Loach. Here i was trying to match my AH-1G Cobra. All serial numbers are historicaly correct. D Company 227th AHB 11th ACR C Troop 1/9 Cavalry D Troop 1/4 Cavalry D Troop 3/4 Cavalry C Troop 16th Cavalry F Troop 4th Cavalry Story about Weapon systems. Internal. Gunner with M60 400 round of ammo. No flash by default. Because with cocpit movement on gunner station it apear somewhere on elbow. better when it is not there. It can be easy changed by setting entry on M60 in aircraftdata.ini to TRUE Additional Weapons. - Weapon Station 1 XM27E1 – M134 Minigun M27 - as above redesignated an unfaired Minigun M134 since 1969. XM8 – M129 40mm automatic grenade launcher. Not seen in Vietnam. Plus some extra weapons that were spotted on photos from Vietnam War. - Weapon Stations 2 & 3 Up to two single tubes for Mk40 FFAR rockets attached on skids, with different warhead rockets. M151, M156, M229, M255A1, M259, M257, M247. - Weapon Station 6 Experimental quad launcher unit developed by Rock Island Arsenal attached inside cargo compartment. Similiar to system mounted later in exported versions of H-500 Series. Very rare, seen on few pictures from Vietnam War but it was there. Do not mix Weapon station 2 and 6 on loadouts menu. Meaning to be correct 2 or 1 single tube OR Quad launcher. - Weapon Station 7 Most interesting is 7 tube XM158 launcher attached to XM27 susbsytem instead of 7.62mm minigun. Very rare field mod probably instaled only on one aircraft (no. 67-16321). I just used two versions with M151 and M156 warheads. - Weapon Stations 4 & 5 Smoke grenades. DO NOT GIVE THEM TO WINGMAN. Just five colours of smoke grenades, Yellow, White, Green, Red, Violet. I am not sure if this will support available color smoke effects. So probably wil need to create new smoke effects or mod smoke grenades. - Weapon Station 8 Exhaust modification in late Loaches. Starting 1972 when SA-7 was threatening US crews this mod was often instaled on scout choppers. Same purpose as on late G Cobra models. I will apear on aircraft by default starting 1973 due to loadout.ini file. - Weapon Stations 9, 10, 11, 12. Not to be used on OH-6A ! Purpose of this is to play Pink Team on single mission with armed AH-1G Cobra. In single mission on loadout menu you can change wingman aircraft to any available AH-1G Cobra and arm it with designated weapons for Cobra. If you don't like this option you can easly disable this by puting \ mark in data.ini file in front of weapon station entry. Have fun. Enjoy. Report bugs. Mod it your way. Hope I did not miss anything here Regards. More to come in OH-6 category. Thanks to and reference: TM 9-1005-298-12 Operational Manual, Armament Subsytem, Helicopter, 7.62 Millimeter Machine Gun: High Rate, XM27E1 TM 55-1520-214-10 Operators Manual Helicopter Observation OH-6A The McDonnell Douglas OH-6A Helicopter, Aero Series OH-6A Cayuse in Detail, Wings & Wheels Publications. GUNSLINGERS IN ACTIONS – Squadron Signal F Troop Yearbook 1971-1972 and many more that I dont remember right now.- 11 comments
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- wings over vietnam
- cayuse
(and 2 more)
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