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Autorudder, Autocentering, and related tweaks, etc.
VonS posted a topic in Thirdwire - First Eagles 1&2
Hello fellow FE2 fliers, Instead of posting under the stickied "ini tweaks" thread - that hasn't seen fresh posts in a couple of yrs., I thought I'd open a separate (small) post here for something I stumbled upon only yesterday while tinkering with my rudder setups in WOFF and IL2-BoM installs - and I realized that it might work well for FE2/SF2 too. Those of you flying with "twist" joystick and/or rudder pedal setups might still find this helpful - but it is especially intended for those of you who are still flying with older/cheapish sticks (such as the Logitech Attack 3 in my case, with no twist capability) - you most likely have left/right rudder mapped to the top left/right buttons on the joystick. In WOFF, and other sims, it's usually a question of (manually) clicking several times left or right to get desired rudder input, and then clicking the center button on your stick to center the rudder. For a few yrs., I've really only been frustrated by one thing in the TW sims., and that was the "snappish" response of the auto-rudder setup - until I dug further into some of the more obscure entries of the Default.ini file located under "C:\Users\Yourusername\Saved Games\ThirdWire\FirstEagles2\Controls" (same directory path for SF2, except substitute StrikeFighters2 for FirstEagles2). The relevant entries to tamper with are the following three: ----- [RangedControl001] AxisControl=PITCH_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=0.000000 Saturation=115.000000 ReverseJoystick=TRUE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=1.000000 -----> I recommend setting this to 1.0 for FE2, to slow down the elevator self-centering rate for WWI 'crates with their wires and cables (leave at the default value of 2.0 for WW2 and Cold War installs in SF2 with "faster" hydraulic setups) //2.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=PITCH_DOWN DecreaseControl=PITCH_UP CenterControl= [RangedControl002] AxisControl=YAW_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=0.000000 Saturation=115.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=0.100000 -----> recommended, for those using left/right joystick buttons to control rudder, is to reduce to a value of about 0.1 for WWI 'crates, again to simulate cable/wire control, but also in order to allow for lots of manual left/right rudder correction that, once you stop controlling rudder, allows it to return back to center position somewhat slowly (takes about 10 seconds to return to center); for WW2 and Cold War SF2 installs, a better value to use is something like 0.25 for the self-center rate, again to mimic the extra force of hydraulic controls //2.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=YAW_RIGHT DecreaseControl=YAW_LEFT CenterControl= -----> have not bothered to use this since I like the 0.1 value for self-centering, for FE2, but, for those lacking twisty rudders or pedals, the most logical choice here is the top center button on the joystick, sandwiched between the left/right buttons for left/right rudder input [RangedControl003] AxisControl=ROLL_CONTROL MaxValue=1000.000000 MinValue=-1000.000000 DeadZone=0.000000 Saturation=115.000000 ReverseJoystick=FALSE MouseScale=1.000000 UseMouseRate=FALSE ReverseMouse=FALSE LimitValue=TRUE SelfCenterRate=1.000000 -----> I recommend setting this to 1.0 for FE2, to slow down the aileron self-centering rate for WWI 'crates with their wires and cables and generally sloppy ailerons (leave at default value of 2.0 for WW2 and Cold War installs in SF2 with "faster" hydraulic setups, as with the elevator setup in the relevant entry in this post) //2.000000 KeyControlRate=1.000000 AllowKeyControl=TRUE IncreaseControl=ROLL_RIGHT DecreaseControl=ROLL_LEFT CenterControl= ----- Von S- 4 replies
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