I was trying to mod the Yak-25 Flashlight A regarding it's speed that it only reached 850 Kms per hour. My objective is that it reaches 1015 Kms/h as max. speed.
The original YAK-25_DATA FlightControl:
StallSpeed=51.68 CruiseSpeed=182.57 ClimbSpeed=173.96 CornerSpeed=89.51 MaxG=4.66 MaxSpeedSL=222.22 MachLimit=0.85 PitchDamper=0.8 RollDamper=0.6 YawDamper=0.2 GunBoresightAngle=-2
Now what i´ve tried to change so far with maybe excessive values but without sucess also in the FlightControl:
StallSpeed=51.68 //CruiseSpeed=182.57 CruiseSpeed=500.0 //ClimbSpeed=173.96 ClimbSpeed=500.0 CornerSpeed=89.51 MaxG=4.66 //MaxSpeedSL=222.22 MaxSpeedSL=500.0 //MachLimit=0.85 MachLimit=0.95 PitchDamper=0.8 RollDamper=0.6 YawDamper=0.2 GunBoresightAngle=-2
Only 987 Km/h is what it allows.
Is there anywhere in the Data file or maybe other file that i should change some values?
Best Regards