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As most of you would know in the early part of the war the Belgian engineers who operated the complex system of dykes, sluices, weirs, and canals, at Nieupoort, flooded the land down to Dixmude to prevent the German army from taking the coast. They had a little help from the British Navy who pounded the German positions until the floodwaters drove them back. In WW1 flight sims I have played I have tried to include that piece of history which nicely rounds off the geography of where the front line meets the sea. The other end in the far south had the Swiss mountains to clearly define the end of the front, in the north, a flooded land. What I have presented here is a very simplified version. The land was flooded in several areas. What I have depicted is the main body of inundation. The western side was straight, defined by an elevated railway line that ran from Nieupoort to Dixmude. (Not quite sure I actually reached the Dixmude on the map.) Its simple work with the TFD editor and I'd like to do a few more things including adding that artificial little round body of water at Ostend called the Spitum which served as a seaplane base during the war. I would also like to add some detail to the east coast of England, maybe create Gotha raids over Canterbury. I'd really love to make missions for the 1917 Gotha bombing raids against London, and the earlier Zeppelin raids, but that may be some time later, perhaps using Gepard's terrain. Anyway, when I have worked on graphics tiles for MS and RedBaron3d the tiles were all available for editing and modifying. However when I open the moddified terrain folders of Edward or even Gepard's Battle of Britain folders and even the wwiCambrai and wwiVerdun cats it seems not all the tiles are available for editing. Am I looking in the wrong places? I realise there is a lot to learn. I am reading the Knowledge bases for both SF series, but finding the tiles is my next step.