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silent one

new a6a v1.1 not detected by sfp1

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Ive just installed the new a6a 1.1 and sfp1 wont detect it. Its just dissapeared. the old v1 was ok. cant understand this.


read me states mame file a6 a which Ive done.. :dntknw:

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Ive just installed the new a6a 1.1 and sfp1 wont detect it. Its just dissapeared. the old v1 was ok. cant understand this.


read me states mame file a6 a which Ive done.. :dntknw:


Several things can cause a plane not to show up :


1. Name of the aircraft folder must match the name of the config.ini exactly.

2. Must have a cockpit folder.

3. In the config.ini, you must have a CockpitDataFile=XXXX line, a AircraftDataFile=XXXX line, a AvionicsDLL=Avionics60.dll line, and a AvionicsDataFilename=XXX line. The XXX being the name of the corrisponding file. The spelling has to be exact with the name of the file.

4. You also need to have all the .LOD files that are listed in the config.ini file.


It sounds like you have a misspelled file name in your config.ini ...

Edited by howling1

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that sounds so complicated I think my brain will melt. I cant be the only one with this problem as everyone using the new 1.1 update will get the misspelled file.

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that sounds so complicated I think my brain will melt.  I cant be the only one with this problem as everyone using the new 1.1 update will get the misspelled file.


Actually, it's easier than it sounds. It's about a 15 minute process to check & correct. Some of the versions of the A-6A files were labeled A-6 A. Just make sure there's no spaces in A-6A. That seems to be the biggest prob some people have between the versions...

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my brain did almost melt. but your sage advice steered me to a wrongly labled cockpit ini. a6 a wrong spacing as you said. thank you sir :)

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