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IL2: Forgotten Battles / Pacific Fighters by Ubisoft

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All IL2 Simulation Modifications and Add-Ons

    1. The Battle of Malta 1940-42 (co-op)

      Game version 4.03+
      10 Co-op missions for GB,IT and DE pilots for upto 24 players.
      Based upon the original Battle of Malta 1940-42 campaigns.
      During this time, Malta was the hardest posting possible for a Commonwealth pilot, with the lowest chance of survivability !.
      These co-ops recreate some of the dogfights, bombing missions, convoy attacks and defences of this tumultuous time.
      Some missions are exact replicas of actual AAR's, others are 'proportional' in terms of plane numbers. I have attempted to be as accurate to history as the game will allow, missions are therefore historic and not balanced , although the victory conditions should give everyone a fighting chance.
      (The Spitfire Escort mission is an exception and although based upon a historical event and date, has been elaborated upon.)
      These missions were designed for the 102nd automatic server so most are air starts, with engagement within 5 minutes. All should be complete including landing within 30 minutes.
      1.2 makes many minor alterations and balance changes as a result of replay experiance on the above server and brings things upto date with 4.08. (although you only need 4.03+ to play it.)
      To enhance enjoyment of flying Italian campaigns and missions, I recommend installing Gastons excellent campaign pack which includes a campaign folder, Italian ranks and medals and an Italian speech pack:-
      also incuded in the Dgen Upgrade:-


         (2 reviews)



    2. German Channelfront 1941-44

      The german channelfront campaign, is a highly immersive dynamic campaign for german fighter pilots. It is a set from five subcampaigns from 1941 till the invasion in 1944.
      To run the campaign you need IL2 Sturmovik 1946 (version 4.08) and the addon "battle over europe". Without battle over europe, you can´t start the campaign.
      The package contains the campaign files and a skinpack. Please unzip the files into a temp-folder and read the README bevor you start to install the campaign.


         (2 reviews)



    3. german channelfront campaign update V. 1.1 to 1.2

      Update from Vers. 1.1 to 1.2
      I added a new subcampaign DDay, the invasion.
      Unzip the file into a temp directory, copy the files into your IL2\DGEN folder, overwirte the old ones.


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    4. "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.

      "Shark Mouth" Typhoon 245 Sqd.





      This Paint Scheme is based on a Typhoon scheme from 245 squadron, the exact serial No. of the plane is unknown so I have left
      this blank so it can be added manually if anyone ever finds out what it was.
      I have included a Marked, Roundels only and an unmarked version in this pack.
      Thanks for the excellent Template by Jesters-Ink.
      History of 245 Squadron included.


         (2 reviews)

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    5. FrenchWings4345v1Part5.zip

      French Wings 1943-1945: they were there too! PART 5
      Fly with pilots from the French Air Force over North Africa, North-East France and Germany.
      Between 1943 and 1945, the French Air Force was rearmed and reequipped with American and British combat aircraft of many types. They took part in fierce air battles, from the Tunisia 1943 campaign to the last push into Western Germany.
      Through a series of 5 dynamic campaigns, you will fly with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry if you wish, or famous French aces like Edmond Marin la Meslée.
      Flyable planes include P-38s, P-39s, P-40s, P-47s, P-51s, Spitfires, A-20s, B-25J.
      This package includes skins and all files for the campaigns, plus a bonus for the users of the add-on BOE (Battle Over Europe): an upgrade of the RAF bomber campaign which adds the A-20C as a flyable aircraft, with a Free French touch as well, added to both the RAF bomber and fighter campaigns.
      For questions and suggestions, please contact vtrelut at: vtrelut@yahoo.fr


         (2 reviews)



    6. FrenchWings4345v1Part6.zip

      French Wings 1943-1945: they were there too! PART 6
      Fly with pilots from the French Air Force over North Africa, North-East France and Germany.
      Between 1943 and 1945, the French Air Force was rearmed and reequipped with American and British combat aircraft of many types. They took part in fierce air battles, from the Tunisia 1943 campaign to the last push into Western Germany.
      Through a series of 5 dynamic campaigns, you will fly with Antoine de Saint-Exupéry if you wish, or famous French aces like Edmond Marin la Meslée.
      Flyable planes include P-38s, P-39s, P-40s, P-47s, P-51s, Spitfires, A-20s, B-25J.
      This package includes skins and all files for the campaigns, plus a bonus for the users of the add-on BOE (Battle Over Europe): an upgrade of the RAF bomber campaign which adds the A-20C as a flyable aircraft, with a Free French touch as well, added to both the RAF bomber and fighter campaigns.
      For questions and suggestions, please contact vtrelut at: vtrelut@yahoo.fr


         (2 reviews)



    7. FrenchWingsPatchv2.zip

      PATCH to update French Wings version 1 to version 2.
      Requires French Wings version 1 to be installed first, all files from Part 1 to Part 6 included.
      COMPATIBILITY: 4.08m


         (2 reviews)



    8. FrenchWingsPatchv4.zip

      FRENCH WINGS 1943 - 1945
      COMPATIBILITY: 4.08m
      This update includes all the previous ones, and numerous new skins, in particular of French Spitfires.
      Please have a look at the Read-Me for details.
      INSTALLATION: simply unzip contents of this package into your game's main folder.


         (2 reviews)



    9. FrenchWings update from version 5 to version 6

      This is an update of the dynamic campaigns French Wings 1943 - 1945.
      It requires version 5 to be installed. So French Wings parts 1 through 6 are required, then the version 4 patch, the version 5 patch, and finally this update.


         (2 reviews)



    10. belgium gladiator

      this is my first skin
      belgian gloster meteor enjoy


         (2 reviews)



    11. Spanish campaign re-vamped

      Hello !!!
      As you know it, it is now possible to mod our favourite sim.
      I also did my small personnal mod, which is available here :
      To install it, just follow the indications you will find in its own "readme" file.
      This mod gives me the idea to "remix" this good old SCW campaign, and here is the final result.
      Be careful !!! You will need the precedent version to make it work properly, because to maintain this file small, I did NOT enclose the skins !!!
      So, go and take it there, for example :
      and once its file in unzipped, just throw away the Missions folder.
      To install this new version, nothing is easier :
      -unzip in a temporary folder,
      -copy-paste the new folders you have in the root of your FB, et voilà !!!
      Let's go !!! and most of all, do not forget to activate the musical function, because you will have some surprises when reading the briefings...
      I wish you a good flight !!!
      For credits and thankyous, see the readme of the precedent version of the campaign.
      Gaston, Perroy, april 2008


         (2 reviews)



    12. BF 109 G2

      BF 109 G Series
      Non historical winter skin
      Template : Revolver


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    13. BF 109 G6-trop

      BF109 G6-trop
      7./JG 53 - Sciacca Sicily 1943
      Template : Revolver


         (2 reviews)



    14. WWIII 1946 USSR Fighter Pilot 1.0

      WWIII 1946 is a "what if" historical thriller that lets you fly all of the strange jets and German wonder weapons in IL2 1946. This campaign is but a small part of the overall Mega Campaign the will include many smaller mini campaigns such as this one. Each campaign will build upon the other and you will be able to continue your pilot career until the conclusion of WWIII 1946.
      In a painstaking process an alternate history storyline has been researched and is presented as a backdrop for some of the most heart pounding and hopefully entertaining missions you have ever flown.
      By using historical documents from the US Joint Chiefs of Staff we know exactly what the contingency plans were in the case of an expected Soviet attack in 1946. It is clear from public polls and private correspondence that the US military and government officials fully expected an attack by it's former ally at any time starting in the spring of 1946.
      Based on these plans code named Griddle and the other Pincher series plans we have developed a historically plausible alternate history scenario on which all these campaigns are based. These plans were based on the best estimates of Soviet forces and their plans for war.
      When I say we I mean the wonderful feedback I have received on numerous forums including Missions4Today, SimHQ, AllAircraftArcade,CombatACE and the Wargamer. Go to these fine websites and search for WWIII and you should come across many interesting discussions.
      Storyline for 1946 WWIII
      Soviet Fighter Pilot Campaign Chapter One
      ...................................Top Secret For Your Eyes Only.......................................
      January 23, 1946
      Our former allies, the so called Western Democracies, have demobilized entire armies and have sent many of their armed forces home. The US and England have a fraction of their former forces stationed on the European mainland. They mistakenly believe that their so called Atomic Bomb has altered our plans.
      Our glorious leader, Tovarishch Stalin, has given us of his vision of a world wide workers paradise led by his guiding hand.
      He does not fear the Abomb. He has seen the devastation it has brought to untold numbers of innocent victims he does not fear it's wrath.
      Although he has no doubt that our armed forces can storm through the blasted hulk of the former Germany and France to liberate the suppressed workers of Europe, he does not want to use force unless absolutely necessary. Recent events have forced his hand and the very existence of soviet society is being threatened.
      Our former Allies have made a fateful blunder and the world shudders at the consequences and prospect of another World War. They have rejected our rightful demands regarding Manchuria, Turkey and the liberation of Eastern Europe. In a stupendous miscalculation the US has base a squadron of B29 Super Fortresses in West Germany in an attempt to intimidate us. The B29 is an offensive weapon not a defensive weapon. There can be only on conclusion and that is that they intend to use their Abomb in a sneak attack on the Motherland we hold so dear.
      They continue to gather former German scientists and their wonder weapons and have been stealing them away to work on even more destructive weapons and delivery systems. We must act and we must act now.
      We need to create a buffer so that the motherland is never subject to attack again. Our vision is that all future wars will be fought in the no man’s land that is the former Nazi homeland and as long as capitalism survives there will be more wars. It's all a matter of where and when these wars will be fought because Capitalism and Communism cannot occupy the same space.
      Some say the second atomic bomb that was dropped on Nagasaki intimidate us and to reinforce the power of the atom bomb in our mind. In addition it was to demonstrate that America has not only one but many bombs and is ready to use them. Tovarishch Stalin is calling their bluff.
      Today we received word through our massive network of agents that American has a total of only 6 nuclear bombs. Now is the time to strike and to save the motherland from nuclear destruction. We have to attack now before they gain more of these monstrous weapons and use them.
      We will no longer allow the West to dictate its will on the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and our glorious leader Tovarishch Stalin. He will once and for all remove the threat to Mother Russia. No longer will there be a gun pointed at his head from West Germany.
      We have begun a massive and very well concealed mobilization.
      As a Maior in the Soviet Air Force you have flown over 100 combat missions in both Europe and the far east. Because of your special status your official victory score is top secret due to the nature of your assignments.
      You have been assigned to a special unit that is working on former German Wonder Weapons that are in our possession. Your specific assignment is to assess the combat capabilities of the various weapons platforms. As such you will be helping to design and test in any future combat situations, our newest weapons systems.
      Good luck to you comrade.
      1. Find your folder with your IL2-1946.exe in it. There should be a folder that is titled Missions. Inside that folder is the Campaign Folder. Open that folder and find the Ru Folder. Open that folder. Copy the WWIII_1946_USSR_Fighter Folder into that folder/subdirectory.
      2. The WWIIISkins folder contains skins that you might want to use to make the campaign more pleasing to the eye and more immerse. If you don't use the skins your Soviet planes will have no markings. Your campaign will run just find but won't look as realistic.
      The Skins folder is in the PaintSchemes Folder which is in the main IL2-1946 main folder.
      Most of the skins start with WWIII and then the plane model. Just drag them from their folders and put them in the same named folder in your Skins folder.
      3. The only way I know of to have the former Allies fight each other in a campaign is to make one side Blue and the other stays Red. I chose to make the Soviets go Blue because it was easier. What this means is that if you don't use the skins correctly you will end up with a Soviet fighter with a Japanese Zero on it. To deal with this problem I have painstakingly created and then changed every Soviet plane in every mission to have a custom skin. If you properly copy the skins into the correct folders you should have no problem. If not you will get Japanese markings on your Yak etc.
      To correct the problem on the plane you are flying click on the "Arming" button then on the "Aircraft Customization" button. Look at the skins button and choose whatever skin you want but every Soviet plane should have a WWIIIxxxx skin in it. This is the one you should choose. If there isn't one then choose one that has a Soviet star on it and be sure to turn off the markings otherwise the Japanese meatball will be your skin.
      If your wingmen etc. all have Japanese markings then you will just have to live with it or check out the skins files to make sure you have all the skins in the correct place.
      4. Turn the speech off unless you don't mind hearing Japanese and Russian mixed.
      5. If you want to hear the correct language follow flyby1 instructions below. Thanks flyby1.
      "Here is how I do the speech changing: start;computer;L diskdrive;ubisoft;il-2 sturmovik 1946;Samples;speech;ru double click; delete actor1 thru actor9.;do not close these open windows ; then start;computer;C diskdrive;ubisoft-up2; il-2 sturmovik 1946;samples;speech;us double click ; then drag actor1 thru actor9 to the open RU file where the old actor1 thru actor9 were and now no ussr speech. same for any speech change ! you will have to do these changes with the computer file non full screen. As you see I play il-2 off the L drive and backup il-2 on the C drive."
      Please let me know if you are having problems so maybe we can figure out a solution.
      Starting your career
      1. Go to Pilot Career
      2. Choose USSR with the rank of Maior
      3. Choose WWIII 1946 Soviet Fighter Pilot
      4. Choose the following in the Difficulty menus.
      Turn off the following toggles. You do not want these options chosen for various reasons
      a. Turn off - Cockpit Always On - I want you to look around and see all the cool stuff
      b. Turn off - No External Views - For the same reason
      c. Turn off - No Icons - Those Lerches and ME 163 are very small
      d. Turn off - No Instant Success - Don't use this very often. There are some missions that just don't have anywhere to land in them and this is how you have to end your mission.
      e. Turn off - No Map Icons - At this point in history radar was able to vector you to your targets pretty well so use the map to do this.
      I need help in completing this massive project. Be a part of Air Simulation History :)
      Contact Hairog at hkellogg36@gmail.com


         (2 reviews)



    15. IL-2 Sturmovic 1946

      2nd tyme at this, there are 4 folder in this zip
      1. Aircraft at Sea
      2. My War
      3 Paradice IL
      4 VS
      1 and 3 are free flight for fun,training and or lurning the flight envolpe of the aircraft.
      2 and 4 are missions from 1 v 1 to full start to finish (take off to landing or trap (carriers).
      HOPE you enjoy as much as I have.
      Unzip to a clean folder and copy and paste into missions folder the ones you like.


         (2 reviews)



    16. The Siege Of Tobruk Campaign

      In this mini campaign take to the skies in the Bf-109 the best fighter at the time. This 13 mission campaign you will hunt, fight and bomb. Fly with your comrades the Bf-110, Ju-87 Stuka and the He-111. Fly two versions of the Bf-109 for the Afrika Korps. I hope you enjoy this campaign. This may not work on Il-2 Sturmovik Forgotten Battles but will work on IL-2 1946.
      As in the RAF you will fly P-40E in Libya. Fly to defeat the dreaded Bf-109. This is a 13 mission campaign. Fight for survival.
      2.0 includes:
      RAF campaign in the P-40


         (2 reviews)



    17. Stefano

      I state that I am not a professional do it for divertirmento skinner, and I hope you can enjoy you too


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    18. T-33 Skins Pack

      Riders of all time, this is a package of skins for the T-33 liveries depicting the Italian Air Force, I hope you enjoy them, have fun.
      Template by "AeroSnodanjo" I hope not to have the wrong name
      Ah, you are free to change them, where,
      how and when and how much you want, in short,
      do whatever you want,
      this is a job for the entire community of IL2 Sturmovik


         (2 reviews)



    19. Skins Pack FiatCR32

      A special thanks to Nachprod AVSK for the template, Have fun.


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    20. Package skins Reggiane Re2007 (Mig-9 "I-300")

      Health friends, another package of skins depicting the Reggiane Re.2007, so driven project I chose the "Mig 9 (I-300)."
      The Reggio's Re.2007 was a hypothetical project of single-engine turbojet fighter. To develop this package I was inspired by so many liveries hunting NRA, Luftwaffe, Royal Air Force and AMI, developed from an idea to a whole fleet in reaction Axis, the skins are definitely not historical, are just for fun to share with the whole community of IL2 Sturmovik.
      HAVE FUN.

      Thank you for the template:


         (2 reviews)



    21. Skin for P-51d mustang "Red Tails"

      this is a nice skin for your mustang ONLY FOR IL2 SERIES!!!


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    22. BF109 G6 /Trop of 6./JG77

      BF109 G6 /Trop of 6./JG77, Tunisia 1943 . This is a rework of the original i did at il2skins ive add lots of weathering etc, Bright finished. Theres also a no markings version in the download.........Buglord.


         (1 review)



    23. Hurricane IIb

      "601 Squadron"
      Hurricane MkIIb skin by Bo_Nidle.
      I painted this Hurricane in the standard grey and green scheme to use it in the FMB on cross channel "Rhubarbs".As a 601 Sqn aircraft it should have had a blue band on the spinner but all my attempts to replicate this resulted in a smudged mess so I left it sky colour.I have included a coded blank skin for flight numbers.


         (1 review)



    24. BF110-G2 of 13.z/JG5

      BF110-E2 of 13.z/JG5 ,LM-NR 1942. And seeing that this particular aircraft was a E2 & we dont have that ive skinned it for the G2 version. I didnt have much info on this plane just had a few pictures to work from. Ive used jesters excellent template , camo weathering etc done by me. Bright finished


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    25. Raising Havoc

      Raising Havoc in the Ardennes
      It is January 23rd, 1945, and it's cold. The German advance in the Ardennes is nearly over, but the Panzer Army is desperately throwing more troops into the breach who try to keep their momentum going in The Battle of the Bulge.
      Tasked with preventing German reinforcements from reaching the battle front, the Ninth Air Force including A-20 Havocs of the 410th Bomb Group launched a series of low-level attacks on enemy ground forces as they wound their way through the Ardennes. Flying conditions were not easy, cloud bases were low, and snow was in the air.
      Locating an enemy convoy in open space, the Havoc pilots make a swift attack diving from 8000 feet (2,400m), catching the German force by surprise: Hurtling down the line of vehicles at 320mph (515kph) they release their parafrag bombs from 300 feet (90m) then, dropping just above the roofs of the army trucks continue down the column blasting everything in sight with their forward-firing .50mm calibre machine guns. In the space of a few minutes the attack is completed and the convoy decimated.
      With amuntion expended and fuel running low the A-20 Havocs climb out of the zone and head for base in France. they return through a blizzard, but all aircraft make it safely home - the lead aircraft, on landing, counting over 100 holes of various sizes. For their part in leading the successful attack the Lead Pilot Russell Fellers and Bombardier/Navigator Gordon G. Jones received the Silver Star.


         (1 review)




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