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SE5a, South African Air Force, 1920s

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South African Air Force skin for the TW Stock SE5a.


These rather surprising roundels were used by the SAAF from its inception in 1920 until 1929, according to IMPS SA.


They were used in "combat", during the Johannesburg Rand Revolt against militant white mineworkers (Maggie Thatcher would love it in old SA!) and the Bondelsvart Uprising in SWA in 1922.


The rest of the skin is not really historical, because while some SAAF SE5s stayed in PC10, most were painted bright silver, and had 3-figure serials in black on the rear fuselage.

The aircraft which I have seen still wearing it's original brown PC10 dope also still carried its RAF serial number, so I have simply left the stock serials and letters in place.

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