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SF2 Combo Effect Pack v1.00

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1 Screenshot

About This File

Compiled and Cleaned up by Ryan Crierie (MKSheppard)


Also available on my website at:


In case you hit your daily download limit :grin:




I claim no ownership or creation rights for any of thes effects; I just modded them to make them work in SF2, and then put them together to make it easier for other SF2 Owners.


v1.00 circa 12/23/2009.


I went through all of my installed effects INIs from all my addons and the various effects packs, like Deuce's, LEXX LUTHOR's Strategic Nuclear Effects™, etc and edited them to make them SF2 shader compatible to fix missing effects like MiG-19 afterburners not appearing, etc.


I used the rule of:


Materials that have BlendOp=BLEND_SRC_ALPHA


(aka Volumetric emitters like smoke, groundmist, dust).


Materials that have BlendOp=BLEND_INV_SRC_ALPHA_ADD_SRC


(aka fire, explosion, light, flash, flare, streaks)


Found on Combat Ace Knowledge DB.


I slightly modified LEXX LUTHOR's Strategic Afterburner files so that you can have both Large and Small versions in use at the same time e.g. J58_Large calls the Large effect and J58_Small calls the Small effect. You can see this in the Screenshot for this mod; the one on the left is J79_Small and the one on the right is J79_Large.


I also rewrote some of LEXX's Nuclear Weapons Readme to make it a bit more comprehensible on how to make weapons datafiles call those effects in SF2.

User Feedback

Recommended Comments

Just noticed this. Really nice.


Large and small volcanoes. I like!!


I have to stay SF1 but I hope the .fx thing works well. ~~Thanks~~



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