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The T-28D and the "Secret" war in Laos 1964

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Another set of skins for the Skunkworks T-28D which can be found in their Third Party section. Many of T-28s supplied to the Royal Laotian Air Force (RLAF) were equipped with side-panels, which enabled the ground crew to quickly change the national insignia - in correspondence with the nationality of the pilot that was to fly the next mission! The insignia was usually applied on cardboard, and would be slid into the panels: Lao insignia would be installed when the pilot belonged to RLAF, while USAF insignia would be substituted if some USAF 'adviser' flew the plane - officially on 'liaison' or 'weather reconnaissance' missions, of course. No insignia was worn if the aircraft was flown by Air America, or by the members of the A-Team, Thai mercenaries, Raven FACs, or B-Team. There are 3 skins for you in this package:


RLAF 101st Composite Squadron, Luang Probang AB 1969

RLAF 202nd Composite Squadron, Wattay AB 1968

A secret SURPRISE from 1964

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