About This File
Hi all,
Here are some updates for paulopanz awesome Ouragan skins.
I basically re-did the shark mouth and added some details for the No.113 Squadron (Hornet) skins.
I also created early and late skins for the Ouragan No.107 Squadron (Lion's head, before the squadron became the F-4E Orange Tail Squadron).
In some of the skin folders there is an "alternative" folder with some extras bits like different shark mouth designs or tails.
Skins included:
107sq Early camo (1957-1967)
107sq Late camo (1967-1973)
113sq Camo shark mouth with Suez stripes (1956)
113sq Camo shark mouth without Suez stripes (Post 1956)
113sq Camo with Suez stripes (1956)
113sq Silver shark mouth with Suez stripes (1956)
113sq Silver shark mouth without Suez stripes (Pre 1956)
Drop the skins into the MD-450 folder and have fun.
P.S. Hope I got the right creator of the skins this time.