About This File
Yak-27R for SF1 series Readme
Yak-27R Recon plane (1958)
Model based on Yak-28B model by Pasko, sound by Spiloone 104
A4-E Cockpit repaint by Wrench
red5202 pilot by The Trooper
To Install:
- unpack Archive in temporary folder
- copy Yak-27R folder to Aicraft folder.
- copy Sounds to Sound folder
- copy pilots to Pilots folder
- copy weapons to Weapons folder
- open Weaponeditor, open weapondata,ini, merge with Recon_cam.ini
Plane specifications:
- Engine RD-9F
- Recon Cameras AFA-41/10, AFA-42/50, AFA-42/75, AFA-42/100
- NR-23 gun
- max flight distance 2200 km
- Mach limit 1.4
Yak-27R features:
- animated canopy
- animated air intake cone
- animated nozzles
- grag chute
- 36 historical correct CN
- animated recon cameras bay (press ctrl+O to open)
- recon camera in cockpit (press "radar mode" key )
Yak-27R production (Blocks 1-16):
1958 - 11 planes
1959 - 34 planes
1960 - 46 planes
1961 - 53 planes
1962 - 21 planes