About This File
***Solomons campaign Readme***
This is a "quick" and dirty little campaign for those who have made a Pacific war install. I wanted to do more than just single missions so researched how to make a camapign on my own. It was a little frustrating, but also quite rewarding and fun. I espesially liked the research part. Which brings to mind, this is not a strictly historical campaign. The units that are flyable did fight during the camapign but there are tons of details Im sure people could pick apart till the cows come home.
What you need...
To start with, the Solomons Version 3 terrain and wrenchs' planes readily available at combatace. You'll need the F4F-4, P-39/P400, P-38F, SBD-3 and SBD-5, F4U-1_TMF, A6M2, D3a Val, and Ki-43IIb packages from Wrench. He has done an OUTSTANDING job breathing new life into these models. Also the Betty G4M2 from armourdave. Add Starys' solomons and phillippines visual updates and wrenchs' pacific ships. I also added Kesselbrut's Pazific_GOP infantry and AAA units. Also look for the ShermanM4A3 and Type95 tanks, I forgot what the name of the pack I found them in but they are found at combatace.
If you want to add a little more "period" feel to this campaign, add my Menu music and Pacific AirWar menu screens, also found at combatace.
Just unzip this file into your C:\Users\Jeff\Saved Games\ThirdWire\StrikeFighters2 PAW folder, (or whatever you named your PAW install.)
Hope ya like 'em. Please let me know if there are any issues, I have not been able to test as thoroughly as I would like. These files are released under the CombatAce Freeware Licensing agreement. You are free to modify these files and use them as you wish as long as the files are not used in payware of any kind. If you use them, please remember to give credit. These files are released to a great community of simmers at CombatAce and SimHq. Have fun and God bless.
Jeff "pcpilot" Gerald