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XvT/BoP - Independant Operation: Corbin Resists

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About This File

XvT/BoP - Independant Operation: Corbin Resists 10/28/2015


(works with original CD versions and new GoG version)


The story line:
You are a member of the Corbin Defense Force, a people that is proud, strong, if not haughty. They have refused to join the Empire, and have in such manner been punished by the Empire. Not wanting to seek refuge in the so called Alliance, they have decide to take it up to themselves to pay back the Empire and get revenge for all the lives lost on Corbin V.


All missions are in order, and it is up to your honor only to proceed to the next one only after having won the current mission. Of course, they are all fun and can be easily be played out of the story.


As always, PLEASE read this enclosed readme for full, detailed install instructions. Give the "Note" section a read too, for well, notes!


Good luck and good flying!
Kevin Stein


original mission set by Xcrown, circa 199-something

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