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Boeing Model 83 1.0.0

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About This File

This is the Boeing Model 83 was a prototype and a state of the art bi-plane of its time and what later became the Boeing P-12's ARMY Air Core and Boeing F-4B's US NAVY fighter planes of the USA in the early to mid 30's.

This prototype was made without guns and was just made for fun flying and testing of the planes airframe it was actually called a ( production prototype ) as more then 3 where made of it and they where given to the US ARMY Air Core, US NAVY and even some of the top racing and stunt flyers of 1930 for testing and feedback of the plane.
This model can be used in Canvas Knights.

To install;

Unzip with folder names on, go inside the ( BM83 ) folder and drag the ( Boeing_Model_83 ) folder into your CK game vehicles folder, then add the line in the allied.txt Boeing_Model_83 and save it.


Hope you all enjoy the Boeing Model 83.

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