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WOI - Mainscreen - 1680x1050

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1 Screenshot

About This File

Alternative mainscreen for Wings over Israel

1680x1050 Widescreen Edition

(includes template)



(1) extract all files

(2) copy the files in the \MENU folder to the \MENU folder in your Wings over Israel folder



The \TEMPLATE folder contains a file named mainscreen_template.png, which you can use to make your own mainscreens compatible with the .INI file in this package. This allows you to change the main image easily. Open the .png file in a image editing program capable of using layers and simply place your image in a layer below the .png image. It will show through the transparent centre area. Save as mainscreen.bmp (format: 24bit bitmap file).


Also included is a .png file with the WOI logo used in the file, a template file without the menu text, and the menu in normal and active state.


When resizing for a different resolution, in MENUSYSTEM.INI, change the lines indicated below to the desired resolution.




Width=1680 <====

Height=1050 <====








Note that you will have to change the position of the menu buttons in MAINSCREEN.INI to account for their changed location.


© 2008, Kout


These files are made available under the Creative Commons - Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 1.0 license

(Please visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/1.0/ for details.)

This basically means you are allowed to modify and redistribute these files, but that you should (1) give fair credit (2) distribute work based on these files under the same conditions as I did and you may not(3) use these files or works based on them for commercial purposes.

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