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Albatross DII Cockpit and Screens

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1 Screenshot

About This File

These files will modify the original Albatros DII by BortdaFarm by installing the stock Albatros D3 cockpit from the Third Wire Expansion Pack. This mod tested AOK with and without the April 08 patch. The files will not work unless you have installed both the Expansion pack and the BortdaFarm Albatros DII.


BortdaFarm invested a lot of time and effort into the creation of the Albatros DII, and I'm glad he did. There is only so much one person can do and the EP cockpit by TK and his team is more detailed and functional. Thanks to both BortdaFarm and Third Wire for making these models for us.


The files in this package include alternative loading and hangar screens. Back up your original files (in case you later decide you prefer the originals) and place all of the enclosed files in the AlbatrosDII folder.


In addition to the cockpit and the screens, there are two gunsight types included. The default is the classic Fokker crosshair. The alternative is a slightly larger Spad13 type with a small circle in the center of the crosshair. If you prefer the latter, simply open the file marked ALBATROSD3_COCKPIT.INI and change the following lines from this:







to this







You may notice that the windscreen appears to be slightly forward of the gun breeches. Don't worry, it will still keep the wind off your face! There was no way I could find to avoid this and still place the new cockpit in the model in a way that functions properly. If anyone can resolve this dilemma, please do so. BTW notice the hole in the glass in the BTF model. These holes were in the original aircraft windscreens to allow sighting the weapons despite the smears of oil and dirt that often impaired the view.


I also want to acknowledge the dedication and continuing hard work by Peter01 on his outstanding flight models for the Albatros DII and so many other aircraft for First Eagles. These FMs are a tremendous enhancement of the sim.


August 22 2008


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